Page 4 of Breaking Bedrock
“I have to. I mean . . . I need it, Jess. Sitting around that house, I’m losing my mind.”
“But do you think it’s really a good idea? And what about Patrick? You never answered me.”
Addie stared out the window, watching the rain as it hit the pavement. “Yeah, actually, I do need the work.”
Jess frowned. “Addison?”
Addie turned, looking her friend straight in the eye. “I don’t know what you want me to say, Jess. Patrick’s blackmailing me to stay in a marriage I don’t want to be in. He’s threatening to take the kids if I leave. Does it even matter that we’re strangers sharing a bed, a home, and a life? Should I stay in this marriage? I don’t know. I don’t even know where to start to unravel the mess that it is. Quite honestly, I’m just trying to get through each day alive and stay sane in the process. Aside from that and my children, that’s about as much as I can focus on at the moment.”
Jess nodded towards the door. “Who are the men following you?”
Addie sighed and spoke without looking in their direction. “Security. Employees of William’s. I ignore them mostly. I guess . . . In some ways, it’s nice knowing they’re there.”
“Because you know it’s not over if he cares enough to send them?”
“No. Because I’m not sure that the threat of Scott Hammons is gone. I think he’s going to try and finish what he started.”
“Was he really a client, Addison? And why in the fuck would you get mixed up in something like that?”
“Was who a client?” Addie replied, fidgeting.
Jess scoffed and shifted in her chair. “Seriously, Addison! Is this that bad? So bad that you don’t even know which one of them I’m talking about?”
Addie downed the last of her coffee and slammed her cup down on the table. “I don’t know, Jess. It seems that, just like everyone else, you believe the lies the media is feeding you.”
“I don’t know what to believe.”
“Scott Hammons tried to kill me. He kidnapped and beat me. No, he wasn’t a client. He . . . He just has something against William, and I happened to get caught in the crossfire. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time; that’s all.”
Jess rolled her eyes. “You don’t say.”
Addie threw her head back, laughing maniacally. “Ha. Well, if my best friend doesn’t even believe me, then who will?”
“No one . . . if you go back to that job.”
“I’m not working as a Domme anymore if that’s what you’re suggesting.”
“Isn’t it one and the same?”
Addie reached for her purse, gathering her things. “Look, Jessica, I’m trying here. I’m really trying. I’m not pretending that I’ve made the best choices lately, but I have to go back to work. I’m not like you. Some of us do have to work for a living.”
Jessica grabbed Addie’s forearm as she stood to leave. “I know you’re not like me, Addison. I know you’re hurting. Anyone can see that. And I wanna help you, sweetie. I love you. But you have to let me in, okay?”
Addie sank back in her chair, the desperation in her best friend’s eyes dissolving any anger she’d held back. She let it all pour out in a hushed whisper, as though maybe if barely audible, what she was saying wouldn’t be true. “I didn’t mean to fall in love with him, Jessica. And now I can’t make it stop. I can’t just wish it away. It hurts like hell, and I don’t know what to do about it. Sure, I can double down in my marriage and forget about him. That’s the right thing to do; I know it. But my heart, Jess, it won’t let me. It’s futile, so I ended it because I know it’s what’s best for everyone. My heart is broken, Jess. And I don’t think anything will ever or can ever be the same. I love him . . .”
“So what are you going to do?”
Addie let the tears spill over. “I don’t know.”
Jess took both Addie’s hands in hers. “Oh, honey, you’ll figure it out. I know you.” Jess glanced at her watch and frowned. “I’ve gotta run. But what do you say . . . same time, same place, next week?”
Addie bit her bottom lip. “I’m scared.”
Jess smiled a little. “You should be. You’re head over heels in love. Love is about as scary as it gets. The rest . . . Well, the rest will work itself out.”