Page 31 of Breaking Bedrock
“Yeah? I’m here.”
“Look. I know things between us are over, Addison, but I need you to let my men get close. I’ve had to keep them outside a perimeter they’re comfortable with in order to stay off your private property. I need you to talk with your husband and get him to agree to let them inside the gates. Where you’re at it’s just too sparse. They need to be close.”
Addie inhaled slowly. “Why are they here, William? I thought we discussed this. You need to tell me what’s going on?”
William hesitated. “Nothing. I . . . My guys just think it’s best until we get a better handle on Hammons and anyone he might be working with.”
“What do mean by ‘working with’?” Addie questioned.
“We just have reason to suspect that he may not be acting alone; that’s all.”
“I . . .” Addie started to say as the boys rushed in.
“Daddy said to come on! Dinner’s ready! Let’s go, Mom!” they screamed.
She shushed them away and pressed the receiver to her ear, hurriedly whispering into the speaker. “I gotta go, but I’ll give it some thought, all right?”
“Addison.” She heard William say one last time before she pressed the end button.
Hearing his voice was just too much. Addie sat on the edge of the bed and allowed the tears come. It was time she let herself feel.
When Addie awoke, startled and sweating in the dark, it took her a few seconds to remember where she was. Panting, she fished around the bedside table for her cell phone and lit up the screen as she felt around with her other hand for the button on the lamp. She sat up and tried to catch her breath, remembering the way William’s face looked in the dream. He was screaming something at her, but his voice was silent. She couldn’t hear the words. Addie calmed down a bit and checked her phone again: 1:28 a.m.
Addie got up, threw on a pair of jeans, and went into Patrick’s room. “Patrick.” She whispered, nudging him awake.
Patrick startled. “Addie? What is it?”
She placed her hand on his chest. “Shh. It’s nothing. Don’t worry. Everything’s fine. Listen. I need to go back to Austin for a little bit. There are a few things I have to take care of: work stuff. I’m going to take the car, but I’ve emailed your mom and asked her to come up and help until I can get back. The Jeep is here, too, though, right? In the garage?”
“Yeah, but, Addie, what time is it?” Patrick asked, rolling over onto his side.
“After midnight. I have to go, Patrick. Please, just don’t ask questions. I’ll be back later tonight. You need to set the alarm after I leave, okay?”
Patrick sat up and rubbed his eyes. “This isn’t a good idea, Addison.”
“It’ll be fine. I’ll be back before you know it. Tell the boys I had to go into work and that I love them.”
Patrick sighed. “You’re going to see him, aren’t you?”
“Yes. There are a few things I need to get straight.”
“Damn it, Addison. Be careful. Our children are counting on you. I’m counting on you.
Addie walked to the door and stopped. “I know.”
Addie texted Carl, who was waiting at the gate, asked them to stand down, and begged them not to follow her. Carl refused and only relented when Addie allowed him to ride with her while the rest of the team stayed back. Recalling the tone in William’s voice when he’d called last night, Addie changed her mind and let them enter the property, instructing them on how to get into the boathouse. She then texted Patrick to let him know; although, she figured he’d be angry, he was just going to have to deal with it until she got back. When it came to her children’s safety, she wasn’t cutting corners.
The fact that Carl had insisted on driving only made the trip back to Austin seem as if it took longer. Addie was on edge, fidgeting incessantly. She questioned Carl about William to no avail. He wasn’t giving anything up. “Just tell me he’s not with someone else right now, Carl. That’s all I ask—that you don’t make me look like a fool showing up unannounced if he’s with someone.”
“Mr. Hartman is alone at his residence, aside from his security team and several staff members.” Carl replied.
“None that he’s sleeping with though, right?” Addie questioned nervously.
“Mrs. Greyer, I will only assure you that what you’re walking into is on the up and up.”
Addie nodded and left it at that and stayed mostly quiet the rest of the way.
They reached Austin and William’s place just an hour or so before dawn. Carl let Addie in but stayed outside as she quietly entered his bedroom. Surprisingly, William wasn’t in his bed, forcing Addie to search the apartment for him. She finally found him in his office where she paused in the doorway, taking him in. Dressed in pajama bottoms and white cotton T-shirt, he looked so peaceful, kicked back in his office hair, his feet propped up on his desk, eyes closed, and headphones in his ears. At first glance, she could’ve sworn he was asleep, but as she inched closer ever so slowly, he raised his eyelids slightly, quickly sitting up once he noticed her there.