Page 29 of Breaking Bedrock
“I love you.”
“Yes, I know. But do you love her?”
Patrick went to the kitchen and poured another dr
ink. “I don’t know. I suppose.”
“Then I think you do know what to do.”
Patrick squeezed the bridge of his nose between his fingers. “I need to know there’s no chance left for us, Addie. I have to know that I did everything I could to save our marriage.”
Addie softened and gave him what she knew he needed. “You did everything. It’s just not going to work with us, Patrick. We’ll still be great parents together, but as far as our marriage goes, it’s over. You can have the boys whenever you want. You can have the house and anything else you want, but I’m going through with the divorce. It really is the best thing for everyone, don’t you think?”
Patrick frowned. “Whatever you say.”
Addie stood, walked to the kitchen, and lightly kissed him on the cheek. “I’m sorry, Patrick,” Addie offered, before she retreated to the guest room and slept like a baby for the first time in a really long time.
Penny gripped the wheel tightly as she made her way to Scott Hammons run down ol’ place on the opposite end of town. She realized it was time to step away from him after he called her in the middle of the night, furious and demanding more money. When nothing he was saying made any sense, something about angels and such, she finally agreed to meet him with this morning with a check, just to get him to stop calling. The last thing she needed was for her husband to find out about their dealings. Plus, Patrick had mentioned there had been some sort of incident with the police, and though he refused to give any details because he was always protecting Addison, of course, Penny couldn’t shake the feeling that it had something to do with Scott Hammons.
Penny parked her Cadillac in the drive and stared at the dilapidated house, thankful that she’d never have to set foot here again, after today. What she found inside was disheartening to say the least. Scott had apparently drunk himself into a stupor and was lying in his own vomit.
He was sprawled out on a dirty mattress on the floor, so she nudged him with her foot. When he didn’t budge, she nudged a little harder, which caused him to rear up and vomit, spraying her shoes.
“Mr. Hammons!” Penny shouted. “What has gotten into you? Is this what you’re spending my money on?” she demanded, picking up one of the many Jim Beam bottles that littered the floor and placing it back down.
“What time is it?” Hammons asked as he scrambled to sit up.
Penny had to get out of there quickly, she decided. The stench was making her ill. “I brought your money. But this is the last of it, Scott. Addie has gone back to my son, and they’ve decided to work things out. I’m going to let them be for a while. I think it’s best for the children,” she lied.
“Bullshit,” Hammons spat.
“Excuse me?”
He tried to stand but fell back down, gripping his head. “I’m pretty sure she was with Hartman just a few days ago.”
Penny rubbed her chin and thought for a moment before responding. “Well, I don’t know about that, but she and my son and the children, of course, are at our lake house now, so I’m afraid your services won’t be needed anymore.”
“The hell you won’t.” Scott spat before grabbing a half empty bottle and chugging.
Penny placed the check on the table. He really ought to get someone to clean this place up, she thought. “I’m serious, Mr. Hammons. This check will be my last. I do appreciate everything you’ve done, but we’re really no better off than we were when we started.” She called over her shoulder as she made her way toward the front door.
Scott stood abruptly and grabbed a knife from the table, intercepting her at the front door. Unsteady on his feet, he wielded it in her direction. “Now, you listen,” he slurred. “We are NOT finished. You wouldn’t want your family finding out what you’ve done here, would you? You wouldn’t want them to know how much money you’ve given me and what you really think of your daughter-in-law, now would you? You think I can’t prove that cashier’s check has your name written all over it? Tell me how long you think it would be before that son of yours dropped you like a hot potato once he found out, huh?”
Penny held up her hands in protest. “You’re right. I’m sure we can work something out, but I really must be getting back now.”
Scott let out a booming laugh. “You’re scared of me aren’t you, Penny. Ha-ha! Look at you. You’re shaking.”
“Put down the knife, Scott.” Penny pleaded.
Scott eyed the knife in disbelief. “Oh this old thing?” he said, stabbing it into to wall just above Penny’s shoulder. “You know I’m really glad we could work this thing out, you and I. I guess I can expect that I’ll hear from you in a few days, then?”
Penny swallowed hard. “Sure. I’ll call you.”
Scott moved over so as to allow her passage to the door. “Not if I don’t call you first.” He laughed wickedly.
Penny grabbed the handle and turned. “That sounds wonderful,” she said, forcing a smile.
She got to her car as fast as she could and didn’t look back knowing Scott had followed her out onto the porch. This wasn’t good, she knew. She probably ought to tell someone about him threatening her like that. Better yet, maybe she’d just let him drink himself to death. No need to stir up trouble, after all. Men like Hammons always were more bark than bite, anyway.