Page 23 of Breaking Bedrock
Addie rolled her eyes and buzzed Sondra, requesting she come to her office ASAP. William smiled wryly and raised his eyebrows. “Smart girl.” William turned to go and but stopped. “Addison, you know you’re lucky I don’t just take you right here on this desk. You like to pretend, but I think we both know that you want it just as much as I do. Play hard to get all you want, but just so I’m making myself clear, this is far from done.”
Addie deadpanned. “Two things, Mr. Hartman. One: You’re
wrong; I’m not the jealous type. I like to think of myself as more of the get-even kind. And two: Don’t ever fucking call me baby, again, got it?”
William stood at the door, unable to wipe the smile off his face as Sondra looked from Addison to William and back again with a hint of annoyance.
Damn that girl was good for him.
William made it to the elevator and stepped in just as Sondra rounded the corner and stuck her hand through the closing doors.
Sondra looked him up and down. “You mind if I ride up with you?
“It doesn’t appear as though I have a choice,” William chided.
“I saw you at the gala with the redhead. Everyone saw you, William. What exactly are you thinking? Because I just don’t get it?”
William turned to face Sondra. “Remind me how any of this is your business.”
“Remind me how it isn’t. You asked for my help. I helped you, and then you go and fuck it all up. What in the hell is wrong with you? She’s just a girl in love, William, and a naive one at that. She’s not used to this lifestyle, your lifestyle. You can have anything when and where you want it. You say jump and people ask how high. Sometimes, I think you forget it isn’t like that for everyone else. You know you’re going hurt her in the end, don’t you? My question is why? Better yet, please fucking explain to me why you talked me into being a part of this? Because what you’re doing here is a disaster waiting to happen. You know it, I know it, and I sure as hell hope she knows it.”
William pressed the emergency stop button. “Look. Not that I need to explain myself to you but I have a pretty good handle on the situation. This really is between Addison and me. But . . . if you must know, the redhead was nothing, a decoy to get the press off my back so they’ll stop hounding me. I’m trying to protect Addison too, only she’s so fucking stubborn she can’t see it. If this is what it takes to get her to see things my way, then so be it.”
“You’re joking, right? Are you telling me you didn’t sleep with that girl who’s clearly been photographed hanging all over you?”
William pressed the emergency button once again, and the elevator lunged upward. “I’m finished answering questions today. I am, however, glad to see you have so much faith in me, Sondra. Oh, and by the way, Mrs. Greyer says I’m not to see you anymore, so I’m going to have to cancel our seven o’clock. Tell me, though, who does it sound like is calling the shots here to you?
The doors opened, and William stepped off the elevator as he nodded in Sondra’s direction.
“William,” Sondra called after him with a hint of desperation in her voice before retreating a little and continuing in a more formal manner. “Mr. Hartman, please reconsider the tactics you’re using. It’s very obvious what it is you’re doing, and it isn’t healthy.”
William turned and winked. “Says who?”
When three dozen red roses were delivered right before lunchtime, Addie didn’t even have to guess who they were from. She sat staring at them for a moment, before opening the card. She took a deep breath, exhaled, and began reading.
Dearest Addison,
I know you’re angry with me, and I’m sorry for that.
You can tell me we’re done, if you want. But I know you better.
Just as some people prefer orchids and others roses, there is an undeniable magnetic draw that attracts certain people to one another.
It’s that way with us, Addison. You can try and deny it, but we’re two of a kind, you and I.
I need to see you. Now.
Carl will take you down through the private exit to the garage and drive you to my place for lunch. I’m already here, so there’s no risk of us being seen together.
If you don’t come, both literally and figuratively, I’ll be forced to keep my scheduled appointment with Sondra this evening.
I don’t think either of us wants the second-case scenario. First case always tastes so much sweeter, now doesn’t it? And as we both witnessed in your office this morning, coming shouldn’t be an issue.
Getting here is more than half the battle. ;)
See you soon.