Page 28 of Bedrock
So it was a pleasure to see Scott and Addison getting along so well. William watched him laugh at something Addie had said and wondered if there was anything about her that wasn’t absolutely perfect. Addison Greyer had made him happier than he’d ever been. And it seemed that she had that effect on others, too. William said a silent prayer of gratitude, knowing that he couldn’t let this one slip away. He promised himself he would do whatever it took. He would bury his past. Put it behind him. He would finally learn how to love and be loved in return because this one was a keeper. Just then, Addie looked up, caught his eye, and winked at him. He smiled unable to take his eyes off of her, unable to focus on anything but how beautiful she was. And for the first time in his life, William Hartman understood what it felt like to be in love.
Addie returned home from Italy, anxious to see her boys. Having never been away from them, she hadn’t realized it possible to miss them that much.
The day after Addie returned, she spent the entire day watching them swim and run and play and chase Max in their backyard. It was a gorgeous day, the kind that made all your worries suddenly seem insignificant. She wanted to stop time, to bottle it up and make her boys stay this way forever with their moppy heads and little boy smells.
The following morning, Addie returned to work, wishing she’d taken anoth
er day or two off. Unfortunately, her inbox was overflowing, and she needed to get a ton of proposals out. Even still, she planned on leaving the office early to catch up on lost time with the kids.
Patrick had called last night, and Addie could swear that she heard something in his voice that sounded uneasy. She knew it would be hard having him so far away, but she hadn’t really thought it would be this hard. The reality that she couldn’t just call him up to tell him something funny or troubling that happened throughout her day was finally starting to sink in. And although Addie was still angry with Patrick for accepting the assignment in China, she missed him terribly and hated to admit that she was beginning to understand his decision on some level. Patrick loved his work. It was who he was. As much as Addie was beginning to love her job, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of compassion towards him for wanting to provide for his family by climbing the corporate ladder.
Addie opened her office door to find three vases full of purple orchids sitting on her desk. She smiled, opening the card.
Dear Addison,
Thank you for giving my life color. I hope each time you look at these you’ll think of me and the three beautiful days we spent together in Italy.
I miss you.
Addie wondered what William was thinking, sending her flowers at the office. Again. Anyone could’ve read the card. And there would certainly be a lot of questions each time one of her colleagues entered her office. Damn him. She had to figure something out and fast.
Trying to take her mind off of the situation, Addie got right to work. She typed up a few proposals and then started on the 312 emails sitting in her inbox. Only one of them grabbed her attention and held it.
From: William B. Hartman
Date: 6/25/2012
To: Addison Greyer
Subject: I Miss You
Dearest Addison,
I hope you like the flowers.
Words can’t describe how much I miss waking up next to you in the morning.
Your presence gives my life new meaning. And your absence leaves a noticeable void. Tell me, “What is a man to do?”
I need to see you before it all goes further downhill. ;)
A car will be waiting outside the lobby at noon. Go outside and get in it. I’ll be waiting.
See you soon.
Addie sighed glancing at the clock. Eleven forty-five. Crap. Didn’t he know that the rest of the world actually had to work for a living?
Admittedly, she’d dressed up in short little red dress and spent extra time on hair and makeup just in case she might run into William. So why then was she so surprised? Annoyed and anxious, Addie had to admit that she wanted to see William too. She did as she was told, and at twelve o’clock sharp hopped in the car that drove her to William’s place.