Page 20 of Bedrock
What the fuck? God, she had already made so many mistakes, just that day alone, and now there was this. Sure, Addie had consumed nearly a half a bottle of wine, but she certainly didn’t see that one coming. “Not a chance in hell,” Addie told herself, as she lay tossing and turning, pondering her future and the freedom an additional $180,000 could give her.
The following morning was gray and misty, the kind of day that nearly convinced you to pull the covers up and stay in bed. Addie considered calling in a mental health day. Overwhelmed and frazzled, she just needed quiet. Perhaps tomorrow. Today she needed to talk with Sondra and put this whole thing to bed and get it behind her.
The boys had been excessively whiny and clingy since Patrick left—not that Addie hadn’t expected it. Still it had been harder than she could’ve imagined. With the thirteen-hour time difference between Beijing and Austin, neither she nor the kids had heard from Patrick all that much, and it was taking its toll. On one hand, Addie missed him like crazy. They’d never been apart this long. But on the other, she was angry and resentful. Her mind flip-flopping back and forth within this array of feelings was hard to reconcile.
Once Addie got the boys off to school, she
headed into the office, her thoughts drifting to William. It was already bustling by the time she entered the lobby. Word about the agency seemed to be spreading, and they were busier than ever. Requests for placement were coming in so fast that they would likely need to hire someone to help Addie within the next month or so.
Before heading to Sondra’s office, Addie checked herself in the mirror, barely recognizing the reflection starting back at her. Wearing a navy, sleek, wool crepe J Crew dress that had been impeccably tailored to fit, she saw that it flattered her in all the right places. She felt elegant, sophisticated. A far cry from the person she was just a few short months ago.
Addie’s phone buzzed, startling her. Picking it up, she noticed a new email from William. She smiled, unable to stop herself. Addie noticed the butterflies flutter in her stomach and hated herself for having them.
From: William B. Hartman
Date: 6/17/12
To: Addison Greyer
Subject: Grazie Per Ieri
Dearest Addison,
I can’t seem to get you off of my mind.
I’ve thought of you a lot today. 817 times to be exact.
I need help.
Call me.
Baci Tutto,
Addie immediately opened up Google and typed “Grazie Per Ieri and Baci Tutto.” Thank you for yesterday. And kisses all over. In Italian. Her heart skipped a beat.
From: Addison Greyer
Date: 6/17/12
To: William B. Hartman
Subject: English Translation
Dear Mr. Hartman,
You may not be aware of this, but I am not Italian.
And just so you know, in English, Baci Tutto translates as “time to put your guard up.”