Page 11 of Savage Row
I can see that he is expecting this response and also that he is preparing his defense. “Anything from Dana yet? It would be helpful to know what the guy looks like.”
“She said the seller says the cameras were off. I don’t buy it though.”
“Why would she lie?”
“Dana said she probably doesn’t want anything getting out that would prevent the house from selling.”
“Makes sense.”
“Tell me again what happened. What did he say…word for word?”
As I recant the story, he listens with careful concern. He doesn’t blow me off or say anything that makes me feel any better, which I suppose is what I was hoping for, so the conversation only leaves me feeling worse.
The girls exit the ride, ask if they can go again, and Greg waves them through. Then he turns to me. “What do you want to do?” he asks logically, in a way that infuriates me. Therefore, I lie.
“I’m going to talk to Dana about having two agents at open houses from now on. I feel like this is something that should have happened a long time ago.”
“This is a pretty safe town,” Greg says, playing devil’s advocate.
“You’re right,” I sigh. “It’s probably not a big deal. It just freaked me out.”
“But you said he didn’t threaten you?”
I consider him for a moment and decide to leave out the part about Mooney mentioning him and the girls. I’m not really in the mood to argue semantics. “Not exactly, no.”
“I wouldn’t worry then. He’s probably all bark and no bite.”
He’s right, I’m here. I’m safe. Might as well suck it up and be present. I plaster a smile on my face. “Like you said, he’s probably just trying to scare me.”
Greg nods. “I think it’s working.”
Dana works the booth with me after Sarah gets sick from carnival food. If only I’d thought of that one. It’s relatively slow, mostly former clients and neighbors stopping by to say hello. I’m deep into conversation with Mr. Crowley about Rocky when I feel a tap on my shoulder.
When I pivot, I see a familiar face staring back at me. “Alex.”
“I wasn’t expecting to see you here,” he says. He glances at Mr. Crowley with a hopeful smile, as though to say, is it okay if I interrupt this dance? “Good thing though—I’m looking for a new place.”
Dana comes over. “Alex? Long time—”
“You two know each other?” I ask, looking from Dana to Alex.
“She helped me sell my house.”
“It’s okay,” Dana coughs, sensing that I don’t want to step on any toes. She looks down at the phone in her hand. “I’ll let you two catch up. Actually, I have a call to make.”
Mr. Crowley clears his throat. “Guess I’ll be going then.”
“I’ll have Naomi stop in tomorrow morning,” I call after him as he hobbles away.
Then I turn back to Alex, as though I’m shocked to see him standing there, and I am. I haven’t seen him in years. “It’s good seeing you,” he tells me, shoving his hands in his pockets. He teeters on the balls of his feet. “It’s been a long time. You look well.”
“Yes,” I say. “It has.” I glance over my shoulder at the booth and then back at him. “You look well, too.”
“I’m not, really,” he half-laughs. “But it’s good to know I can fake it.”
“What brings you by? You’re thinking of selling?”