Page 50 of Around the Bend
Jess cocked her head and narrowed her gaze. The room was spinning. Myles took a seat beside her. “I don’t understand…”
“We have significant evidence that your husband embezzled millions in investor funds—fraudulently, obviously.”
“Oh my god.” Jess pinched the bridge of her nose.
“We also have reason to believe that the accident you were in earlier this year may have been planned.”
Jess’s eyes widened.
“Can you tell us about that, Mrs. Clemens?”
She blew out all of the air she held in her lungs. Myles stood and began to pace the length of the living room. “But why would he do such a thing? I don’t think my husband, Spencer, my Spencer is capable of what you’re suggesting...”
“You’d be surprised what some people are capable of, Mrs. Clemens.”
“Jessica. Please, call me. Jessica.”
The woman nodded and looked at her partner briefly before continuing. “Jessica. Do you know anyone by the name of David Dewitt? Is that name familiar to you?”
Jess thought for a moment and then shook her head. “No. I don’t think so.”
“He claims to have been your husband’s lover for the past two years. And he has provided us with information, which suggests that the accident you were involved in may have been intentional. So we need you to cooperate with us and tell us everything you can about that night.”
She wasn’t going there. Not now. “And if I don’t remember?”
The agent exhaled slowly and deliberately. “Either way, your husband looks to spend a solid portion of the rest of his life behind bars, Mrs. Clemens.” She paused, corrected herself, and went on. “Jessica. And the more you cooperate with our investigation, the more we can ensure that the information our informant has provided is correct.”
Jess cocked her head. “I don’t know what you want me to say. This is all so ludicrous. I just can’t imagine—”
“Mrs. Clemens,” the woman interrupted, “my job here is to make sure that you’re aware of the severity of the situation here. We have reason to believe that your husband may have purposely tried to kill you. And whether or not this information is ultimately proven true depends a lot on your level of cooperation. But aside from that, your husband stole an awful lot of money from some very hardworking folks. So, the other part of my job is to sort fact from fiction here and to help us ensure that you were not aware and thus, cannot be held responsible for your husband’s actions—given that the two of you are still legally married and all of the financial implications that come with that. Were you aware of any insurance policies that your husband may have taken out on your behalf? Did he speak of having money troubles?”
Jess covered her face with her hands. “Um… I don’t know. Oh, God. How could this happen? How can this be happening? I just don’t understand...”
Myles ran his fingers through his hair and then stepped forward. “Jessica,” he said. Her name came out hard, his tone serious. “That’s enough for now,” he commanded.
He turned to the male agent but eyed the redhead. “My boss would prefer to have her attorney present before any further discussions take place, Miss Hewitt. I’m sure you can understand the shock she’s in right now, so if it’s all the same to you, I think it’s best we give her a little time to process this and to get in touch with her legal team. ”
The woman nodded and stood to face him as if she’d expected it. “Okay. Here’s my card.” She reached into her suit pocket. “Please contact me as soon as possible with Mrs. Clemens’s attorney’s information. Or have the counsel contact me themselves—that’s probably best.” She sized Myles up and turned away from Jess and spoke as if she were no longer in the room. “We really prefer Mrs. Clemens’s cooperation in this matter. Please make that clear, would you, Mr. Ingram?”
“I will.” Myles nodded. “Let me show you out,” he said as he ushered the two of them toward the door. “I absolutely will,” he added once more for good measure as he shut the door.
He stood at the door and stared at the back of it. He balled his fists. “If I don’t kill the bastard myself first,” he muttered to no one in particular.
Jess just sat staring into space, hoping that he’d say something, anything, to make it all better. He turned to her as though he’d read her mind. Her eyes were wide and glazed over. She was in shock, he understood. But he recognized the expression that she wore as one of understanding. Suddenly, to her, everything and nothing at all made sense.
Chapter Twenty-Two
“What am I going to do?” Jess asked into thin air, speaking perhaps to Myles, but more likely to no one in particular.
He had already picked up the phone and had begun to dial Addison. “Hey,” he said abruptly. “It’s Myles. I need to know how to contact Jessica’s family’s attorneys…”
She listened as he recanted the story of what had just taken place and watched as he jotted down a few notes on a notepad. When he was done, he tore off the piece of paper and handed it to her.
“Here. Addison said this is the guy your father always used.”
Jess placed the slip of paper on the coffee table and stared at the floor. “Right. I should have thought of that…”
Myles sat down beside her and rested his hand on her thigh if for no other reason than to get her attention. “You need to give them a call, right now.”