Page 48 of Around the Bend
“Really? You’ve never painted? Ever?” he asked, toying with her, feigning shock. Of course, she hadn’t.
Jess turned to go inside and paused in the doorway. “Never.”
There’s something very beautiful about doing the ordinary things in life, he’d said to her..
He laughed. “Well… grab the keys because there’s a first time for everything.”
Myles drove Jess to the hardware store where he picked out the supplies they would need while she picked out a paint color that was more suited to her tastes called Gray Area. A fitting name they ultimately decided and that was it, the deal was sealed. And no matter how much time had gone by, whenever Jess looked at that paint on the wall, she would forever remember the feeling of standing in that store beside him on that summer day and know what it felt like to be both staring down the unknown and at the same time, to feel such hope for the future. It was both an ending and a beginning. It was everything.
Chapter Twenty-One
Myles and Jessica lay there in silence on the floor of her half painted bedroom, inhaling each other, dizzy from paint fumes, and love, lost and found. They stayed like that, talking, and then made love, painted, and then made love again. The next several days went on like this, though once the painting was finished, they decided that it was time to get out of the house, each of them a little too scared at the intensity at which things were developing. To distract themselves, they paid a visit to the local aquarium, went for drives, and took long walks along the beach. It was on one of those walks Jess brought up bringing the kids down from Austin.
“I think it’s time,” she’d said. “I’m ready.”
“Are you sure?” Myles asked.
They walked the shoreline in silence for a few paces before Jess answered. “I think so. I need to make amends with two of my most favorite people, and it just feels like now is as good as time as any.” She eyed him and smiled. “No, scratch that—it feels like now is the best time.”
“Then you should go for it. I’ll call Dean and have him drive them up tomorrow if you want...”
She stopped and fidgeted with the hem of her shorts. “Thank you, Myles.”
He studied her with a smirk upon his face, sensing there was more she wanted to say, but couldn’t, or wouldn’t let herself go there—yet. “It’s no problem.”
Jess focused on the water pooling around her feet. “I know, but still. I’m nervous. It’s a big job and I’m not sure I even stand a chance…”
“I think you can do whatever you put your mind to.”
“I wonder if I’m capable, that’s all. I mean there’s a lot to make up for when you consider all of the mistakes I’ve made… and obviously, there have been many…”
“They’re children. They’re resilient. Every parent makes mistakes, Jess. But when you know better, you do better. So, do it. It’s only as hard as you make it, just my two cents. Just make sure you make it meaningful. They really only want what we all want.”
She appeared confused. “And that would be?”
“I don’t know… Love. Resonance. To be understood.”
Jess laughed. “Yeah, so, in other words, no big deal, right?”
“Oh, yeah, before I forget… I had Addison pick them up, so they’re with her. When you talk to him, tell Dean that I’ll let Addison know that he’ll be picking them up.”
“Smart move.”
She swallowed. “I didn’t want Spencer to get them until we’d had another chance to talk. I want to make sure that he has calmed down and isn’t going to pull anything funny. I’m pretty sure he’s all talk, but I wasn’t going to take any chances…”
“Makes sense,” he said before he paused and stared at their feet in the water. “I think you and I should cool it when the kids arrive.” He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “They’ve been through a lot—a lot of changes, and I think it’s best if what we have here doesn’t add to that or take away from what you’re trying to accomplish.” He looked up at her then and smiled. “I’m sure you understand.”
Jess stepped forward and pressed her body against his, and wrapped her arms around his neck. She stood on her tippy toes and kissed him before pulling back. “Smart move.”
Myles threw his head back and laughed. “I’m full of ‘em. Come on—” He took her hand. “Let’s get back and make up for some of this time we’re about to lose.”
Jess placed her hand in his. “You’re a good guy, Mr. Ingram.”
He smiled. “You’re probably one of the few people who thinks so.”
She looked over at him. “You keep saying that… but I don’t buy it.”