Page 46 of Passerby: A Psychological Thriller
I should have killed him. Even if that wasn’t really my intention, I should have. There’s no room in this world for being soft. When something gets in your way, when it stands between you and what you want, well, only one person can win. We’re not all winners, and there’s no trophy for participation, no matter what people want you to believe. You either win or you don’t, and that is that.
For me, there’s still time to settle the score. Even though I’ve gone about it the hard way.
I don’t often make mistakes but when I do…well…
It’s always the things you leave undone that come back to bite you in the ass.
Chapter Thirty-One
I am not expecting to find both of my brothers and Ashley in the kitchen when I get home from the hospital. I come in the back door hoping to avoid guests, but also my family, only to find them seated at the table.
Despite doing my best to act nonchalant about the fact that all eyes are on me, my hands shake. The way they’re looking at me, it isn’t good. They know what I’ve done. They sense my guilt. The pity written on their faces tells me they’re not all up at this hour out of coincidence. They’re waiting on me.
I know instantly, something is wrong.
“How’s Cole?” Johnny asks.
“He’s okay,” I say, dropping my purse onto the table. “Not great. But he’s home at least.”
I walk over to the coffee pot, pull a mug from the cabinet, and pour a cup. “Those state troopers…” My eyes meet Johnny’s. “They’re relentless. They were going to send a man with a head injury to the slammer.”
Everyone looks at me, but I’m not sure if it’s out of surprise or concern. I press my lips to the cup and feel thankful for its warmth. The rest of the kitchen is filled with icy stares. “Had to get some strings pulled,” I add. “Than
k God for favors.”
“I’m just glad he’s alive,” Johnny says.
Resting the small of my back against the counter, I shift in his direction. “I’m surprised you weren’t there.”
“I was on call. I couldn’t leave the station. Not till about a half-hour ago. And by that point, I heard he was headed home.”
“I see.” I glance from Johnny to Davis and back. “I take it y’all aren’t gathered here for chit-chat. So, what is it?”
Johnny shifts in his chair. “Julia passed away last night.”
His words hit me like a sucker punch. I expected something, but it wasn’t that. I try to form a response, only nothing worth saying comes to mind. I grip the coffee mug so tight I’m afraid it might break into a million tiny pieces. Bile rises in my throat. I think I might be sick.
“Ashley went to see her last night, at least.”
“Why would she do that?” I say, just before I turn and look at her directly. “Why would you do that?”
“Ruth,” Davis warns. “Don’t start—”
“What?” I scoff. “I can’t ask the question? Mike advised us to stay away. On account of the lawsuit. Her going there was out of line. She didn’t even know Julia!”
“I knew her,” Ashley says. “Not as well as you guys but—”
“Shut up. I don’t care.” There’s more I want to say. A lot more. Only I’m too enraged, and suddenly I feel very, very tired. The lack of sleep combined with everything that’s happened just hits me like a freight train. I should have been there. I should have gone to see her. But when our family attorney advised against it, when he said that doing so could only make things worse, that I could lose everything, I listened. Now, I realize what a mistake that was. A mistake that can’t be undone.
“Her family wasn’t even there,” Ashley says, incredulously.
I dump the coffee in the sink and toss the mug in with it. The noise startles everyone. “I’m going to bed.”
“Wait,” Davis says. “We want to talk to you. And not just about Julia.”
“Not about Julia alone,” Ashley corrects him.