Page 28 of Passerby: A Psychological Thriller
Chapter Seventeen
The wind in my hair, the spray on my face, it’s really something. It feels like fast cars and freedom. Only different because I’m on a boat. I push down on the throttle, wondering if I should ease up some. I’m not really looking to draw attention to myself, an
d boating accidents are quite common. I looked it up just to be sure.
I slow a little, mostly because I don’t know the game warden situation around here, but if I had to guess, I’d bet it’s like most things in this town, fairly lame.
After bringing the boat to a standstill, I sit and listen. I take out my reel and my ice chest, putting both within eyesight, even though it’s dark out. The sun is still an hour or so from rising, and it’s peaceful out here on the water, but that could change in an instant. I may not be looking for company, but it’s important to be prepared should any arrive.
To be completely honest, I’m only looking for one person, a big fish in a small pond. And as luck would have it, like many people in this town, Bobby Holt is an avid fisherman. Turns out, every Saturday morning he gets up before the crack of dawn and heads out. Sometimes as early as 4:00 a.m.
Who knew I had it in me, too?
I’m learning so much.
Everything is happening exactly as it should.
New hobbies can be fun.
All I had to do was to bide my time and wait. And now, here I am.
And here he comes. The man I’m looking for.
A chance encounter. A meeting of two minds.
They’ll find his boat empty and his body in the water.
I’ll be long gone by that time. Probably off having coffee, smiling, and waiting for the story to break. I doubt it will take long. It’s a small town and news travels fast.
Chapter Eighteen
I’m up early, on account that we have a full house and there’s a lot to do before the wedding party’s departure. Breakfast is being catered before the big farewell send-off for the bride and groom, and it’s my job to see that everything is in order.
I rub at my eyes and wish the coffeepot had a turbo speed button. I slept so little that it feels like I hardly slept at all. I’m in the kitchen waiting on the coffee to brew when the doorbell rings at the back door. Usually the bell is reserved for deliveries, but it’s barely daylight out, and I’m not expecting anything this early, so this is surprising.
For a second, I consider waking Johnny, but when I part the curtains, I see Roy’s cruiser outside and through the peephole, his face stares back at me.
I open the door slowly and not even all the way. At least not until his expression says he’s coming in. “What is it?”
“Can I come in?” His eyes shift. “I’m afraid I’ve got bad news.”
“What do you mean bad news?” My voice comes out high-pitched and shrill. I try to play it off like I’m calm, but it’s very apparent I am not.
Roy eyes me up and down. “You might want to put some clothes on for this.”
“I have clothes on.”
“No, I mean like real clothes. There’s about to be a lot going on here.”
“Just tell me. What is it?”