Page 36 of The Russian's Ballerina
That causes Alec to freeze, stopping him in his tracks and it gives Trevor enough time to get up and run. Growling, Alec follows him with narrowed eyes and he doesn’t move until I take my face into my hands and move it for him.
“Hey,” I say in a trembling, adrenaline filled voice as Trevor disappears in between the trees, “let him go, forget about him. He’s not worth it.”
Alec´s words burst with protective aggression. “Only for you will I let him run. For now. But even if I do not kill him, the brotherhood will.”
With a shudder I look down and murmur, “I don’t want to witness my husband take someone’s life. I still want to think of you as good. I stilldothink of you as good.”
His nostrils flare and the way he is hugging me is so hard it feels like he is trying to pour out all my love for him. “I am still your husband then?”
“Always,” I whisper, whimpering when he slashes my mouth with his, the kiss making me feel like we’re levitating. His hands touch me everywhere and he’s hungering for me like he’s been without me for years.
“And am I still a monster?” he says against my lips and I nod, wrapping my arms around him and I have to stand on my toes to be able to reach him.
“Yes, but I still want you.” I bite my lip, nuzzling the hollow of his throat. “I guess that makes me a monster too.”
His breath is warm against my skin when he rasps, “Then you are the most beautiful monster I have ever seen.”
Looking up at him, I reply. “So are you.”
Lyla-one year later
It’s the closing of the day and I’m sitting on the divan in our bedroom, knitting. Not a sweater for Alec this time because even though he wore the one last one I made him, I could tell just by looking at his face that he prefers it when I dance for him over making him clothes.
Not that I have danced for him in a while now. It’s kinda hard when you need to carry around a big bump and I can’t wait for the baby to get out, so that I can pick up my prima ballerina duties. And my wifely bedroom duties too of course.
We don’t know whether it will be a boy or girl but I’m secretly hoping for a little girl. A little mini me. I’ll teach her everything I know, take her to her first dance class...
Twitching, my cheeks heat when Alec bends behind the chair, lifting my chin upwards and plants a kiss on my mouth. He still tastes like danger but I adore that flavor. His blue eyes play when they watch me and my heart flips as always when our gazes hold on for just a tad too long.
“What were you thinking about?” he asks, “You looked like you were somewhere far away.”
Smiling I murmur, “Just fantasizing about the baby. I can’t wait to meet him or her.”
“Me neither,” Alec replies and his fingers go down to the necklace around my throat. “You’re wearing your necklace again.”
Fingering the small diamonds I murmur, “I’m almost always wearing it these days. I love it. It grounds me I suppose.” Looking up at him I add, “And makes me think of you.”
“Tell me about it,” he says, trying to sound casual but I tease and snicker anyway. He loves it whenever he has all my attention.
“It makes me think of that cold night when I first came to your house and you acted like such a bully.”
He frowns before amusement crosses his face. “Bully?” he laughs and I nod shamelessly.
“And...” I add, “It always makes me think of the first time I danced for you. Do you remember?”
His eyes roll back in his head and he groans. “How can I ever forget? You were an experience there and then, dancing your way straight into my heart.” Stroking my stomach he rasps, “Let me make love to you. I will be careful.”
Hot lava erupts in my very pregnant body and I can’t help but to nod, before my eyes widen in panic.
“Alec...” I say, clutching his arm, my nails digging into his skin when I feel a hard contraction and my heart flutters from joy.
“What is it?” His voice is tinged with alarm.
“I can’t make love to you.”
“Blyat. Why not?” Now his voice is tinged with deep, masculine disappointment.