Page 30 of The Russian's Ballerina
His eyes narrow dangerously. “Yes you are.Wife.”
Looking down I realize that he’s right. I am backing away from him, acting like he’s suddenly not as safe as he usually is.
“I want you,” he says in a pained, desperate voice and vulnerability flickers over his face.
“O...okay, but then you’re going to have to calm down.”
He’s too worked up. He’ll be too forceful like this, too extreme for my body to take and I put up my hands to stop him. “Alec, back off...”
He doesn’t, his mouth a determined line before he yanks me to him and I feel a flare of panic, pulling the robe around me so hard that I let out a strict rasp. He murmurs something incoherent and he’s acting out of it like he’s getting drunk off of me.
I exclaim a whimper when he tears the robe, ripping through my shorts and top in a frenzy and I shove my hands against his chest.
“Alec, wait stop...” I breathe, “just c...calm down.”
Ignoring me he tears through my g-string, slicing his fingers through my slit and the unexpected touch makes me cry out when I run wet. He stares at my naked, trembling body like he’s possessed and I feel faint.
I can’t close my thighs to him, my resistance laughable and my core feels like its burning up and I let out a loud moan before I realize that this can’t happen.
His touch is too reckless now, his eyes dazed and hard like he’s not really here and I’ve never seen that curve to his mouth before. If he kisses me, his kiss will be agonizing. When he puts his lips against my skin, I let out a sharp pant, my eyes flaring when his mouth feels like laps and licks of fire.
What is happening to him? What’s gotten him so riled up? This isn’t how my husband usually is with me. Usually he’s gentle, attentive. Now I can’t even get through to him. I try to say his name, over and over, try to take his face into my hands but he shrugs me off, ignoring me while he paints me with his harsh kisses. They don´t make me feel like myself, my body both raw and aroused and I stop breathing when he rasps,
“I want you to love me.”
“I do,” I say and my heart thrashes at the forceful intensity in his eyes. When he cups me between my legs, tears flood my eyes because of how much my body craves him to touch me there.
“You don’t. Not like I want you to.” His eyes flash and I let out a stunned cry when he enters me, growling, “But you will.”
She clamps around me, mewling like she’s falling apart on the inside andher hands rake down my back as we tumble down on the floor. I’ve showed her mercy, I tried to be the husband that she deserves but it is simply not in my nature
Truth is I love crime. Truth is I love to be in the brotherhood. Truth is I love to fuck hard.
Truth is I love my wife until I don’t care if we both break.
And I can never let her leave me. Never let her share her affection for anybody else but me.
Maybe it was my fault all along. Maybe I was too lenient with her, allowed her to mention Sorkin’s name, allowed her to think about him. But she is never fucking mentioning or thinking about him ever again. I’ll make sure of it.
I am her husband. We signed a contract. Her body belongs to me just as much as her heart. I don’t share. I don’t fucking share. She should have never have thought differently in that little mind of hers.
She thinks it’s okay to care about a male friend. It’s not okay. It’s not fucking okay.
That isn’t how we do it as made men. But I am going to show her exactly how we do it.
I shove against her in rabid strokes, my sight growing dim, my nails digging into the floorboards as her heels dig into my ass. Vaguely I notice Lyla’s face distort in an ecstatic panic at my furious pounding.
“Fuck you, Alec,” she says between clattering teeth, her little body twitching like it doesn’t know what’s happening to her. It’s confused. Welcome to the club, little ballerina. Because I have been pretty confused myself for a while now.
“You are,” I snarl, looking down at her. “You are fucking me.” My eyes squeeze because she knows exactly how to do it. I’ve taught her well, I was patient with her, spent hours teaching her how to properly take me.
It paid off, because she is paradise. She is bliss and a haven. A spectacle that I will spend my life watching because I will never be able to look away. She’s told me she’s a dancer but deep down she must be a sorceress. She has bewitched me, I’m under her spell and I’m mad about my wife.