Page 16 of The Russian's Ballerina
Instead I sometimes find it even a little entrancing, as if his eyes tell me everything I need to know. They tell me that I’m his. At least I think they do. I really, really think they do. Then again, maybe I just need to get out more...
Crossing his gravel walk, I should be shivering because it’s still cold out but I don’t. Delicious heat floods through my limbs, making me feel like the evening is balmy. A couple of lights are turned on in some of the rooms, giving the manor a more welcoming appearance than last time.
Pulling at my skirt, I let out a curse under my breath when I nearly slip on the pebbles. Why did I have to wear heels again? To attract Alec even more? To make sure he doesn’t change his mind? I don’t think I need to attract him more than I have. I just think that I’m suddenly too greedy for his undivided attention.
Knocking on the door, it takes a while before someone answers. I wonder whether I should try and let myself in when Alec opens. His hair is a little more disheveled than usual, his eyes tense but then they slide over me, warming slightly.
“Lyla,” he says in a low, appreciative voice, his mouth curving. “Come in.” Stepping aside to give me some room, I enter and he gently closes the door behind me. I almost flinch when he puts his hand on my shoulders but then he rasps, “Let me take your coat.”
He takes the coat from me and I blush to the root of my hair, when he lets out a shameless purr of approval at my clothing. It’s the kind of stuff I usually wear, a little more fitted and natural colors. Alec does the same thing he did, the first time I came here, prowling around me in a circle while looking me up and down.
The first time I was tense because I felt like prey. This time I feel a need for him to put his hands on me instead of just keeping them to himself.
“Satisfied?” I say, trying to sound unbothered and a little cagey but Alec raises his brows and nods.
“You please me greatly. It is going to be an honor to have you dance for me.”
My eyes go to his and it feels like the room is spinning in slow, sensory circles. Inwardly it makes me wonder why I ever opposed to him, why I ever was afraid of him. There is nothing to fear from him. This is the headquarters of an underground boss and yet it feels like the safest place on earth.
I’m so occupied with practically being eye fucked by Alec that I don’t notice the figure stepping out of the living room and Alec’s features turn stern. He doesn’t break our contact, almost as if he’s challenging me to do the same but I don’t manage and my face moves to the side.
The man coming down the hallway is similar in height and built to Alec but his clothes seem less expensive and he doesn’t exude the same power and confidence as Alec.
“Forgive us,” Alec says formally, his voice a little strained, “we were supposed to have finished our business before you came but alas...”
“It’s all good,” I croak, suddenly aware of the new man’s size, which reminds me just how much the opposite of delicate Alec is.
The man says something in Russian to Alec and Alec snaps something back and I’m curious to know what they are saying, but I have no idea. They nod, talk and Alec keeps his gaze on me most of the time but the man only looks at Alec or the ceiling, or the floor.
After a while it’s starting to feel a little bit awkward, especially with the stranger not even acknowledging me, treating me like I’m not even there and I shift my weight from one hip to the other. Once they finally stop talking, I do something I never thought I’d do to a member of the mafia. But maybe being close to Alec has led to his strength and bravery being rubbed off on me.
I reach my hand out and with a hesitant smile on my face I say, “Hi, I’m Lyla, nice to meet you.”
Alec tenses, going still. Overly still, a muscle ticking in his jaw. Though his reaction is nothing compared to the stranger who doesn’t take my hand, doesn’t even look at it or throws a glance at me. The stranger doesn’t greet me back, acting like I didn’t just try to introduce myself.
He says something to Alec from the corner of his mouth and Alec nods and then the stranger walks out the door. When it slams behind him, embarrassment fills me.
What was that? Am I invisible? Am I ghost? Or was that him following some mafia protocol that says it’s forbidden to greet women?
Burying my face in my hands, I murmur, “That was so embarrassing. What just happened?”
Alec firmly takes my hands down as if I have nothing to be embarrassed about. “It is normal. Members of the brotherhood never acknowledge the women of the other members.”
Then that was mafia heart speeds up when I realize what Alec just said. “But I’m not your w...woman.”
Grinding his jaw he replies, “You are for tonight. But I would be lying if I said that I don’t frequently play with the thought of keeping you.”
Keep me? His words shock me, making me think I misheard him and I let out an amazed sound.
“Something funny?” he asks in a humorless voice, while I try to center myself.
“You can’t keep me, Alec.” I want to shake my head to prove my point but for some reason it doesn’t want to move.
“Give me one good reason why.”
I gulp. He sounds so serious. “You’re in the mafia,” I blurt and his eyes flash.
“Wrong. I am the mafia. And if I want you, Lyla then there is nothing you or anybody else can do to stop me.”