Page 23 of When He Bites
I look down at her, memories flooding me when I gaze into her eyes. Without thinking I lift my hand, tenderly stroking her cheek and her mouth opens in astonishment. I don’t realize what it is that I’m doing until it’s too late and everyone’s staring at us.
She takes my hand down, bracing herself and she looks like she has a war going on inside of her. But she needs to let me be her soldier. If only she allows me to fight for her, everything will be fine.
“Mr. Rowe,” Mr. Bryce says and suddenly he’s right beside me and he doesn’t sound happy. “Let me introduce you to some of my friends. They’re all very curious about you.”
Not wanting to leave the girl to her own, I look at her but she gives a short nod with her head, needing me to be compliant and I flex my jaw.
“It would be my pleasure,” I reply and the girl gives me a pale smile. So far so good and I’m still behaving. Then again, the night is still young.
Standing in the corner with my arms folded over my chest, I watch asBram gets pulled to the opposite side of the room and lumped together with a bunch of older men. Glancing at the glass he left behind, I wish I could take a sip but that would be too obvious. Everyone is already looking at me like I’m an outcast. I don’t need them to complain about my drinking on top of it.
Around me everything is joyfully glitzy and champagne is overflowing but I still have the feeling that something is about to go down. And I know I encouraged Bram to leave but now I wish I hadn’t. It feels good when he’s close because he’s impenetrable. Powerful.
Probably more powerful than anyone here. I can tell by the way people stare at him like he’s Midas, like everything he touches turns to gold. They treat him like he’s an old friend, grin at him, pat him on his back like they’re desperate to touch him. Even the men.
It’s obvious that Bram is the kind of male who can do whatever he wants. And get away with it.
I feel a shiver down my spine but plaster a smile on my face when a group of my girlfriends walk over to me and start complimenting me on my dress. Our relationship is shallow and we mostly talk about hair and makeup so calling them girlfriends is pushing it a little but...
“Z, you’re glittering worse than unicorn puke tonight,” Dixie says, clutching my hands before whispering in my ear, “by the way who’s the man you came with? He’s been watching you like a hawk the whole time.”
“He’, new in town. The Bryce’s took him in while he’s looking for a house to buy.”
The rest of the girls exchange meaningful glances that make me uncomfortable.
“And I don’t think he’s been watching me,” I add, my voice too nervous for my liking. “At all.”
“Please...he can’t take his eyes off of you. And honestly if I had a man look at me that way, I’d give up Prozac in a heartbeat...” She shakes her head, whispering, “You know there were rumors about a gentleman moving in with the Bryce’s. They said he got this potent presence but they weren’t doing him justice.”
I know what she means. His presence isn’t potent. It’s consuming and overshadows everything else.
She inclines her head. “How do you deal with him being in your house?”
That’s the thing. I don’t deal with it. Very well.
“Hey, hey...ladies,” Doyle adds, walking up to us and he’s Dixie’s husband, “watch what you’re saying to Z. How do you think Morton would feel if he heard you gushing about that stranger?”
My heart drops down to my knees and I want to hide. I throw a helpless glance at Bram but I shouldn’t have because he immediately looks like he’s going to tackle Doyle and harvest his organs and I quickly shake my head in panic to make him stay put.
His dark eyes narrow and he raises his chin. He scans me one more time to make sure that I’m all right and I return my attention to the conversation.
“Morton knows him,” I say in a fake, flighty voice and wave with my hand as if it’s not a big deal, “they’ve done business together.”
“Haven’t seen the old sport for a while,” Doyle replies and suddenly the room starts spinning and their faces start to look blurry. “Are you sure he’s okay? Where is he by the way?”
I tense. Why hasn’t anyone heard from Morton? Not even his friends...?
“, I’m sure,” I force a smile, “and he’s still in New York.” Obviously I can’t know that for certain. All I have is Bram’s word to go on.
“Yeah?” Doyle raises his brows cryptically. “Hmm...that’s strange. I called him yesterday and there was no answer.”
Oh hell...what is going on...?
This is making me nervous and I can’t stand here and listen to this. What if something horrible has befallen Morton? And what if it’s Bram’s fault? My stomach turns and I feel myself pale.