Page 8 of Hot & Sticky
“Uncle Matt,” I croak as I turn back with a deep breath. “I didn’t know you were—”
“Who the fuck are you?”
West, looking completely at ease, though shirtless, turns to my uncle.
“West Farrow, Farrow HVAC.”
Uncle Matt frowns, and then the lightbulb seems to go off.
“Oh! Yeah, shit, guess you finally showed, huh?”
West frowns. “You called this morning, Mr. Con—”
“Why the fuck aren’t you wearing a shirt?” he demands. “I ordered an AC repair guy, not a fucking stripper.”
West smiles calmly. “It’s pretty damn hot back here, Mr. Conway.”
“No, shit,” Matt snaps. “That’s why I called. So did you fix it or not?”
West frowns, and a shadow crosses his face. His eyes slip past Matt to mine, and I bite my lip, blushing as they burn hotly into mine.
“Just about. There’s actually one part I’m going to have to machine at the shop. But I could be back in a few hours.”
Matt scowls. “We’re about to close, pal.”
West shrugs. “I’m happy to come back anyways, Mr. Conway.”
Matt snorts. “Right, and help yourself to the cash drawer when no one else is here?”
West’s brow furrows darkly.
“Yeah, I bet you’d like that,” Matt grunts. “Wait until I’m not here so you can stick your fingers where they don’t belong?”
I cringe. West’s eyes slide past Matt again to me, and just the faintest grin teases his lips. I blush furiously, but I bite my lip to hold back the grin on my own face.
Matt frowns and suddenly glances back at me. “And what the hell were you doing back here, Taylor? We do have customers to serve, you know. You can go to Chippendales on your own damn time.”
I blush furiously. Matt chuckles, glances at West, and wags a finger at him. “Hey, hands off the merchandise, pal,” he chuckles. He leans close and elbows West.
“Ya know, unless you’re payin’!” He starts to laugh his creepy, lecherous laugh. I physically cringe and wrinkle my nose. West looks like he’s holding back violence.
“Well, I’ll clean up and come back tomorrow then with the part,” West says thinly.
“Just get and come back when it’s ready. I know you’re milking me by the hour here, pal.” West rolls his eyes as Matt turns to look at me. “And you? Trying to pull some overtime or something?”
“No, I’m just about done, Uncle Matt.”
The shop closes in about ten minutes, and I’ve gotten really good at closing duties, so I know even with how busy today was, I can wrap it up in probably twenty-five minutes.
“Good,” Matt snaps. “Get this place looking clean and clock out.” He glances at West and frowns. “Didn’t I tell you to get the hell out? And don’t even think about billing me hourly for whatever part you forgot to bring.”
I frown and mouth “sorry” to West. But he just shrugs coolly at Matt.
“See you tomorrow then, Mr. Conway.”
Matt grunts and stomps back into the front of the shop to roll the window cover down. I swallow and look up into West’s eyes, standing a few feet apart from me. My skin tingles from his touch, and just looking at him like this has my pulse throbbing in my veins. My arousal soaks my panties, and every single part of me wants to go right back to where we were a minute ago.
…Where we were, and maybe even more.