Page 7 of Preacher
I clear my throat. “Delilah,” I call a little louder. “Do you renounce Satan and his wicked ways?”
“I do!” she gasps.
“Then come.”
…I swear my dick gets a little harder when I say that. I never claimed to be anything less than wicked as hell though, so, sue me.
“Come and be cleansed.”
I dip her under, and she squirms against my hands. And then, it happens. She must lose her footing on the bottom of the tub or something, because suddenly, she falters. She scrambles and scrabbles as she about slips out of my hands. But I move fast, and I grab her tight and lift her out of the water sputtering and gasping…
…Right against me. I’ve got her in my arms, and she’s clinging to my biceps. We’re both soaking wet, and she’s pressed right against me. I can feel her warm, soft body pressing to me, and I groan when I feel the hard, eager points of her nipples against my chest. My cock throbs, and suddenly, Delilah gasps.
She looks up at me, her face bright red and her mouth open, with those big blue eyes looking so fucking scandalized. And I can tell in half a second that she knows. She’s felt my erection hard against her stomach, and she fucking knows that I’m no saintly, pure-intentioned man. My cock’s given me up as the wicked, lust-filled sinner I really am, and she fucking knows it.
I pause. I freeze like that, just holding her close and waiting for her to scream. I’m just waiting for her to jump away and tell them all what I really am, and for daddy Jedediah to whip out his shotgun and blow me to kingdom-come.
But then, nothing happens. Her eyes hold mine, and her hands cling to me, and her breath catches. But she doesn’t say a word. She wets her lips, and I feel her chest rise and fall against mine. She swallows, her cheeks going pink.
I clear my throat, and suddenly reality comes rushing back to me. I remember where I am, and I quickly stand upright and steady her on her own feet. My hands drop from her, and I recognize the emotion that comes with letting go of her: regret. Regret, and anger that these hands aren’t holding her any longer.
Delilah blushes deep and steadies herself. She looks away quickly, smoothing her dress out before she suddenly gasps. I follow her gaze, and I groan. Her dress is so fucking see-through that I can see her little pink nipples, plain as fucking day, right through it. My cock surges, and the wolf under my sheep disguise howls.
She blushes fiercely and quickly wraps her arms over her chest. Her eyes dart up to look at mine again, wavering as she tries to keep them there. But then she looks away, and her face grows even hotter.
Jedediah chuckles, and for the first time in what must be five whole minutes, I let go of the air in my lungs.
“Well dang, honey!” he laughs. “You know Gabriel here is there to lower you in, honey. You don’t gotta jump in yourself!”
A few other people around him laugh good-naturedly. Delilah forces herself to laugh too, but it’s hollow. She blushes fiercely, and her arms tighten around herself. She looks up at me once more, her eyes blazing with… something. But then she looks away, and quickly wades to the stairs and climbs out of the tub.
Get your shit together, I groan to myself. I take a breath and stand tall. Thank fucking God the water is covering my still throbbing hard, massive erection.
“Well, folks!” I beam at them. “I’m afraid that concludes services today!”
And if one of you could please tell me if I can buy booze in this fucking town because I need to get drunk, immediately, that would be great.
“Please tell your friends and neighbors that all are welcomed, and that I’ll be here for the rest of the week!”
There’s a chorus of hallelujahs and amens and people saying, “Bless you, Preacher Gabriel,” and then they start to disperse back across the field to their cars.
But Jedediah and Delilah stay. I swallow thickly as he approaches me looking stern, me still standing in the tub.
“Preacher?” he growls. I freeze. Fuck. For a second, I wonder if in the few seconds while I was addressing the crowd, she’s told him what happened. I steel myself, and I start to calculate how fast I could jump out of this tub, get in the Winnebago, lock the door, and start the engine. But then Jedediah grins.
“Sir, we’re real pleased that you’re here in Canaan.”
“Why thank you kindly, Mr…”
“Somerset,” he reminds me.
“Of course, and you’re quite welcome, Mr. Somerset.”
Don’t look at his daughter. Don’t look at his daughter.
“Oh, heck, it’s just Jeb, preacher.”
I smile. “Of course, Jeb. And it’s just Gabriel. I do hope to see you throughout the week.”