Page 22 of Preacher
“Decently naked, yeah.”
My blush somehow deepens even more.
“I—I was bringing you dinner. My mother…” I swallow, still shaking from what I just saw. “I’m gonna go.”
“Nah, hang on. Hang on. Pass me that towel over there and we can talk.”
I swallow. “Where?”
“It’ll be substantially easier if you open your eyes.”
I crack a small smile, and facing away from him, I open my eyes.
“Right there, draped over the chair.”
I nod and grab it, and then I start to walk backwards towards him. Gabriel starts to chuckle, and I sigh.
“I wouldn’t have to do this if you were wearing clothes, Mr. Marsden,” I say tightly.
He snorts. “Mr. Marsden? What is this, math class?”
“Fine, Preacher Gabriel.”
“Just Gabriel, okay?”
I nod and shove my arm back, towel in hand. I shiver when I feel his warm, wet fingers brush mine as he takes it from me.
“You’re welcome,” I breath. I swallow thickly as I hear the sloshing sound of him getting out of the tub, and then a click. The gentle bubbling sound from before goes quiet.
“What were you doing?”
“Relaxing in my hot tub.”
I snort. “Your hot tub?”
“Yeah, my—you can turn around, you know.”
“Are you decent now?”
“I’m pretty decent naked, to be honest.”
I groan and feel my face burning hot. “Are you clothed, Gabriel?” I say tersely, doing everything in my power to forget the sight of his… um, all of him. It’s not working.
“I’m wearing a towel over my no-no parts, if that’s what you’re asking.”
I snort a giggle, and immediately turn bright red. Gabriel chuckles.
“Seriously, you can look.”
Slowly, not quiet believing him, I turn. Instantly, I suck in a breath of air, and my pulse thuds in my ears. Technically, yes, he’s covered. But by covered, I mean he’s got a towel that covers him from well below his navel to about two-thirds of the way down his muscled thighs. I honestly didn’t even know they made towels this small, and my whole face burns before I look up at the roof of the tent.
Gabriel snorts a laugh. “Oh, c’mon, not clothed enough for you?”
“You’re…” I stammer, blushing. “You’re practically naked!”
“By definition, I’m not though. So, you can look.”