Page 56 of Freshman (First Time 3)
My eyes flew to the sexy redhead the second Christina said it, and my cock throbbed hard. Anna’s face quickly went red as her eyes locked on mine, her lips parting. I could still feel her fingers there where Christina was so stretched around me.
Anna quickly shook her head, pulling a look that I could only describe as hungry away from mine. “No, Chris, you two-”
Christina shook her head, turning to look at her friend. “Uh-uh, there’s no ‘us two’ here.” She bit her lip. “Not anymore.” Christina turned back to me, her hand coming up to run her fingers over my jaw. “I- I can’t do just you and me, I just-”
I kissed her then, searing my lips against hers. This wasn’t giving in, or compromising, or any of that shit. This was knowing who this girl was, and knowing that Anna was a part of that.
“I know,” I said with a grin, pulling back from that kiss and letting my eyes settle on the redheaded angel sitting behind Christina. I hadn’t been lying before about wanting to know Anna more. I wasn’t going to bullshit anyone and say I loved her right then - I didn’t know her like I knew Christina.
But I wanted to, and damn if couldn’t see myself loving her when I did. She was as incredible a Christina, and they were two peas in a pod, so to speak. To love Christina was to love Anna, and I got that.
Fuck, I was excited about that.
> I focused my eyes on Anna. “We’re only doing this if you want to, baby.” Her eyes locked with mine, and I could see the fire there in those deep blue orbs.
Christina reached out and took Anna’s hand as she leaned back and kissed her. My cock lurched in her tight little pussy, watching these two utterly perfect and utterly off-limits creatures share this love right in front of me.
“Do you want to feel him?” Christina whispered, pulling away.
“God yes.” Anna turned her eyes back to me. “I want you to show me what you showed her.”
It was like slow motion then, hearing that girl ask me to take her like that. Christina was sliding slowly off of my cock and turning to kiss her friend fiercely as they tumbled back into the heap of blankets there on the living room floor by the fire.
Christina slid up behind Anna as she lay back, cradling her head against her body and running her hands over her breasts. My cock was hard as diamonds watching this, and not just because it was viscerally hot to look watch the two perfect girls come together like that, but because of what this meant for all of this. Yeah, the prospect of taking this college girl’s virginity and filling that sweet pussy for the first time had my cock throbbing, but I knew it was more than that.
I knew this was sealing a promise between all three of us.
Christina was having my child for fuck’s sake, and now we were bringing Anna into this. Fuck it, I’d tried being a wild free man sleeping with everything that moved, and the reality of that had been empty. I’d tried monogamy, and one woman, and that’d turned out bitter too.
But now there was this - “this” being whatever this was between us. Christina, Anna, and I - it sounded fucking nuts, but right then it felt right. And I knew it would be. This was the unreachable I’d been looking for, and somehow, I’d found it with these two.
And I was never going to fuck that up.
I moved between Anna’s legs and leaned down to kiss her deeply. She moaned into my lips, her kiss similar to Christina’s in its softness, but somehow different. I felt her hands trail over my skin, teasing over my arms and my tattoos there as she whimpered into my mouth. I eased my cock forward, running the thick head over her absolutely dripping wet lips and feeling her moan into my mouth as I brushed her clit with it.
I pushed in gently, my cock practically throbbing at the sensation of her tightness.
“I promise, I’m not going to hurt you, honey,” I whispered as I felt her tense up.
Christina reached down to run her finger over Anna’s nipples and neck, stroking her hair. Anna nodded. “I know,” she said as she bit her lip, her bright blue eyes blazing right into mine. “Please, Mr. Weaver…” She leaned forward and let her lips brush across my ear as she whispered the words that made me hard enough to cut steel. “Please fuck me.”
I groaned as I pushed in. She winced, but Christina and I were both there, soothing her and kissing her as I slowly slid into her impossible tight cunt.
Jesus she was tight. She was soaking wet, her honey dripping from her slit, and it still took a full minute until I was all the way inside. She moaned loudly when I pressed deep, my balls against her ass and her clit right against the base of my cock.
“Oh God…” she whimpered out, her eyes closed and her mouth hanging open with this sexy fucking flush across her face. “It’s so fucking big!”
Christina let one of her hands drop between her legs, her arms moving slowly as she started to play with her pussy. She moved her other hand to Anna’s nipples, rolling them between her fingers as I started to draw out.
“No, wait!” Anna’s eyes suddenly flew open. “Are you stopping?” she asked quietly, her eyes pleading as if begging me to me not to.
I leaned forward and kissed her then, feeling her moan as I bruised my lips across hers. “No, honey, I’m just getting started.”
She cried out when I slammed in deep, her legs clasping around my waist and her fingers clawing at my arms as I started to fuck her slow and deep. Her tight young pussy was like this velvet vice, gripping at my cock as if trying to suck me back in every time I withdrew. And when I sank back in, it was like her whole fucking body rippled with the sensation.
I looked up and met Christina’s eyes, seeing the molten look in face and holding that gaze as I slowly fucked Anna.