Page 45 of Freshman (First Time 3)
Okay, yeah, we’d been drinking a little bit.
We weren’t drunk, that I remember, but we were in that place where you’re just living in the moment and feeling free. We were celebrating that night when we’d gone out to the party off campus. Nothing monumental, just celebrating feeling good, and maybe even a little celebration of Tyler’s last words to me before he’d gotten on the train a week and half before.
“Okay, that was fun,” Anna said with a giggle as she slumped down on the floor, leaning back against her bed. She grinned at me, her cheeks flushed and her eyes sparkling in that way I loved. “We need to do that more often, you know.”
“What, go drink cheap wine at parties that cute boys invite my best friend to?” I flashed a smile at her as I slid down to the floor across from her against my own bed.
Anna blushed and rolled her eyes at the mention of the guy from the floor above us who’d asked her to come that night. Naturally, I’d crashed the party with her.
“Meh,” she shrugged. “He’s boring.”
I rolled my eyes. “Girl, he’s cute, and definitely into you.”
A weird feeling came over me then, as I tried to talk to her about the guy from upstairs. It felt like on one hand that I was doing my friend duty of trying to set my single friend up with a guy. And yet, on the other hand, just going through the motions of ‘oh, but he’s cute’ had something twisting inside of me.
Something that felt a whole lot like jealousy, which made me frown as the emotion crept strangely over me.
Anna waved her hand. “Nah, not really my type.”
And normally, I’d have laughed and fought her on that. ‘Oh c’mon, he likes you!’ or something like that. Except that night, I said nothing. That night, I almost felt something like glee that she wasn’t into him,
I very quickly needed another drink.
“We’ve still got wine stashed in here, right?”
Anna made a face. “Nah, I pitched that. It smelled like feet.”
I frowned, but she suddenly grinned at me, arching her eyebrows. “But I may have swiped a little door prize from that party,” she said with a wicked little grin. She reached for her purse and pulled a little glass flask of rum out of it.
I laughed out loud. “You stole that from the party?”
She shrugged, giggling. “Eh, that guy from upstairs asked me if I wanted a sip and then got distracted by that stupid beer pong game. It wasn’t even open yet!” She stuck her tongue out at me as she cracked it open before bringing it to her lips. She choked a little, making a funny face as she passed it over to me.
Damn that was strong. I took one sip and made the same face as her before passing it back her way. Anna shook her head. “I think I need a minute,” she said with a laugh. “That tastes like rubbing alcohol.”
We sat there for a few minutes, just basking in the glow of being buzzed and being in each others company. That’s what was so great about her - we never felt like we had to fill the silence with each other. We were comfortable together, and sometimes it almost felt like we were reading each other’s thoughts without even speaking.
She looked up suddenly, a blush bright across her face. “You know, there’s something else I think we should do more often?”
“M-hmm,” she said with quick nod, blushing and reaching for the bottle of rum.
I raised a brow at her. “Care to elaborate on that one, Ms. Riley?”
She went a shade darker as she took a quick sip from the bottle. “Nope.”
“Oh c’mon!” I rolled my eyes as I snatched the bottle from her hands and took another sip as well. “You can’t open with that and not follow thr-”
“I think we should do the thing where I watch you and Tyler more.”
Her face went an even brighter shade of red, and her hands flew to her mouth the second she said it. “Ohmygod!” She made a cringing face as she brought her hands down. “Oh God, sorry, that was super weird. Forget it.”
I shook my head slowly, feeling the heat in much more than just my face slowly rising. Because Anna was wrong, it wasn’t weird at all.
It was insanely hot to think about. The idea of her watching Tyler and I instantly got me wet, right there on the floor of our dorm room. The idea of her slipping a finger into her pussy like I’d watched her do before as she watched Tyler push into me had my pulse roaring like an engine.
I met her eyes and shook my head again. “Not weird, actually,” I said quietly.