Page 4 of Freshman (First Time 3)
I hadn’t actually gone over to do any work at the Weavers since they’d officially split up, but Tyler had left a m
essage on our house answering machine the day before asking about me coming over and doing a little housekeeping that day. It was a little bit earlier than normal when I headed over, but again, it was still way better job than bussing tables or flipping burgers. So I threw on some shorts and a t-shirt, grabbed my bikini, and headed over.
I had a key to their place, so I let myself in to get to work.
“Hello? Mr. Weaver?”
The house was quiet and I furrowed my brow before I decided he must be in the studio or out for a run or something and just got to work. I pulled my long blonde hair out of my face and tied it back and started in the living room, which was looking every bit the bachelor pad it now was with just a single man living in the house. I felt bad for Tyler, with Rebecca not just divorcing him but actually leaving him for another man? I mean, what was her problem? Tyler was ridiculously hot and in amazing shape, he was wealthy, he was fun and cool, and he was a genuinely nice person. He’d always had something nice to say to Anna and I whenever we’d come over to swim, and always been the life of the party at neighborhood cookouts. It just didn’t seem fair that he’d gotten so screwed by her.
I moved through the living room, picking up beer cans and empty pizza boxes and shaking my head at how unfair this was for him. I cleaned the windows and dusted the entertainment center, but as I went to move the open laptop on the coffee table to clean that, the screen suddenly came to life, and I froze.
Holy shit.
There were at least five browser windows open to pictures of bare, nude women. I could feel my cheeks instantly flush red, and I know I should have just closed the laptop right there and pretended I’d never seen it, but I couldn’t help but just stare. They were all younger girls around my age with tight bodies and soft round breasts. I felt my whole face burn bright red as my eyes darted across shot after shot of hot models, some with hands cupping their firm young breasts, while other were bent over, their fingertips brushing across pink, wet pussies.
Yeah, I should have looked away, or closed the laptop, but I couldn’t. And ever stranger was that I could feel my own body reacting to the erotic pictures on the screen. I bit my lip, feeling the little tingle of arousal flush through me, and felt the heat pool between my legs.
Okay, he was a newly single guy; it’s not like it was weird that he’d been looking at porn. Actually, the more I thought about it, the hotter the idea of it was. And there was something extra dirty about the fact that these girls were all so young that made my wicked little fantasy involving Tyler Weaver all the more hot.
I heard a movement from upstairs, and I quickly shut the laptop and darted into the kitchen. I took a deep breath, trying to force the heat from my cheeks as I started to pour myself a glass of water from the sink as I heard Tyler coming down the stairs.
"Morning Mr. Weaver." I said cheerily as I heard him come in to the kitchen behind me.
"Oh, shit,” he said quickly, his voice sounding surprised. I turned and immediately gasped as I felt my cheeks go bright red.
Mr. Weaver was standing in the kitchen doorway in just a pair of boxers, the front of which was pushing out in a huge looking bulge.
He stepped quickly behind the island counter, clearly still waking up and maybe not really aware of what I'd just seen. I mean, I'd grown up playing in their pool, and I'd of course seen him wearing just a swimsuit before. But that was a far cry from seeing his morning erection tenting the inside of his boxers.
“I, uh-” He cleared his throat. “Sorry, I forgot I’d asked you to come over today.” He gave me a funny look, probably trying to figure out why I was beet-red and staring at him with my mouth hanging open.
God he was an attractive man. Mr. Weaver may have had a stay-at-home desk job these days, but damn did he keep in great shape. His thickly muscled, tattooed arms were crossed across his chiseled chest, which was covered in brown hair that teased down over his rippling abs and then lower still, down past the waist of his boxers. His piercing blue eyes twinkled and a curious smile teasing the corners of his perfect lips as he peered at me.
“Everything okay, Christina?"
I shook myself back into the present as I hastily turned back towards the sink to hide my blushing cheeks.
"Um, yep! All good, Mr. Weaver!" I could hear him pouring coffee behind me. “Sorry if I’m a little early.”
“Nah, not a problem. You just got here?”
I swallowed before I made myself to turn back around and smile at him, forcing my gaze to focus on his eyes instead of all over his bare chest. “A little while ago. I’ve already started on the living room.”
There was a flash of something in his face as his eyes darted to the doorway to the living room. I blushed again, realizing he was probably thinking of the laptop.
“Oh.” He said, quickly sipping his coffee and avoiding looking at me.
“Yeah, I cleaned up a little but I didn’t quiet get to the coffee table,” I said quickly, watching the tension on his face ease a little.
He smiled at me. “Well, thanks again for coming over. Sorry about the mess.”
“Oh, not a problem!” I said, grinning before my face fell a little bit. “Um, Mr. Weaver, I’m really sorry about what you’re going thr-”
“Don’t be,” he said quickly, shaking his head and chuckling. “Look, between you and me?” He turned and smiled at me. “It’s probably the best thing that could’ve happened to the two of us, honestly. It’d been building up for a while, she’s just the one that pulled the trigger.”
He suddenly shook his head again. “Anyway, sorry, you don’t want to hear about this.” He flashed me a grin. “Listen, it’s gonna be a hot one today, so feel free to use the pool whenever. I might even join you."
I felt a little surge of excitement inside, thinking about the prospect of taking a dip in the pool in my new bikini with just Tyler Weaver.