Page 17 of Freshman (First Time 3)
And I needed more. I had to have more of her. I needed to explore every pristine inch of her body with my mouth, run my hands over every smooth expanse of skin, and slide my cock deep into that impossibly tight, silken pussy again.
I had my cock out and those panties of hers wrapped around it before I even knew it. My cock that was still sticky from claiming her virginity, wrapped in the panties she’d last worn before I’d taken her innocence. And all I could imagine was her face when she’d come for me as I blasted my cum across the kitchen floor.
Yeah, I needed more, and I needed it fucking now.
Chapter 11
I made it four whole days before spilling the beans.
I couldn’t help it. I felt awful every time Anna and I were alone together, which was most of the time seeing as we were roommates. And I still couldn’t figure out why I felt so damn guilty about not telling her, or about losing it without telling her to begin with. But it was there, like this hot little coal sitting in the pit of my stomach.
It was a Thursday night when it happened. We’d finished any work we’d had to do for Friday classes, and now we were slumped on our beds across from one another, idly watching a romantic comedy on the T.V. perched on Anna’s dresser. We were drinking cheap wine that she’d managed to smooth talk out of a younger cashier at the smaller grocery store off campus with apparently lax rules on checking ID’s.
And I don’t really know what brought it out of me. Maybe it was the over-the-top romance of the movie on the screen, or the wine going right to my head. But I made it about one plastic cup’s full and twenty minutes into the movie before I suddenly put my drink down, took a deep breath, and looked right at Anna.
“I have to tell you something.”
She turned, her loose hair tumbling across her face before she pushed it back behind her ears and furrowed her brow at me. “Everything o-”
“I lost my virginity.”
Her bright blue eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. “What?”
I bit my lip and looked down. “Yeah.”
“Chris! Who?! When?!” She scooted to the edge of her bed, leaning forward to try and peer into my face. “How am I just hearing about this?” She said, giggling excitedly.
“Um, it’s…” I took a deep breath. “It’s sort of complicated.”
“Uh, I’m pretty sure it’s just inserting tab A into slot B, dude.”
I rolled my eyes, bringing my eyes to her briefly before looking back down at the floor. I still felt that weird guilt about keeping this from her, and for even doing it in the first place without telling her.
“Okay, you really can’t tell anyone, okay?”
Anna snorted. “Chris, who would I possibly tell?”
“No one, okay? It’s sort of this…this thing.”
Anna frowned. “Christina what are you talk-”
“It was Mr. Weaver, last weekend when we were home.”
The room went utterly silent but for the movie credits song playing quietly on the television.
"Holy shit, girl," she whispered, sitting up in her bed a little more. "Where? At his house or something?"
I swallowed thickly and finally forced myself to look up and face my friend, feeling the guilt clutching at my gut. “In his car, parked outside my house."
"WHAT?" Her jaw dropped and she brought a hand to her mouth.
“I wanted to tell you!” The words tumbled out before I could think about them, my face crumpling a little. “I- I didn’t know what to say, and I know we were both waiting, and- and-”
“Hey, hey!” Anna leaned forward and put a hand on mine. “We’re not joined at the hip or anything, you know,” she said with a grin. Suddenly her face went tight. “Wait, oh my God, did it just, like, happen?" Her face went pale. “Oh my God, honey," she hissed out. “Was he inappropriate with you?”
I laughed quietly. “Um, no, nothing like that.” I look up at her again quickly. “I sort of instigated it, actually.”