Page 4 of Legal (First Time 1)
Fuck. Like I said, this was going to be a problem. Thank God she was about to go away to school, I guess. Out of sight, and out of mind, and I could just go on with my strange, unsatisfying life.
Chapter 4
Two weeks later, I was off to school a thousand miles away. I'd only seen Mr. Harding a handful of times since the night of my birthday, though every time, I'd blushed and stammered even more around him. I couldn't even look his wife Lenore in the eye when they'd come over for dinner a few days before I left, in fact.
School was tough, and definitely kept me busy. It was also another whole world entirely from the small town I'd come from. Where I'd been gawky, a little shy, and thought of myself as an outsider back home, at school, I seemed to come into my own almost right from the start! I’d gotten my braces off right before I left, and within weeks, I was also taking the time to style my hair a little better in the mornings, I’d started buying clothes that flattered instead of hid my slender, not-very-curvy frame, and even started making a point of trying to be social with people! It wasn't that I was changing who I was in any sort of bad way, I was just finally realizing who I was and what I was capable of.
There were boys, of course; especially when I'd started to dress better and go out to social events. And it was flattering, and exciting to suddenly have real male attention for the first time in my life. But as ardent and as tempting as some of those boys were, I kept thinking of them as just that; boys. In my head, and in my heart, there was still only one man I wanted, even if he was more than a thousand miles away; and married, and my dad's best friend and neighbor.
Man, talk about a stacked deck.
But still, I pined for Jake Harding all those nights away at school. Sure, I went on dates, and I even had a few quite hot and heavy nights of making out with a few boys. But it never went further than that, I made sure. Ok, so there was a teeny bit of schoolgirl crush left in me for Jake, but it's not like I was saving myself for him or anything. It's just that none of the other guys I met at school did it for me like, well, Jake had.
And so I went through the first semester like that; a couple hot, steamy make-out dates, followed by many a night of me quietly fingering my tight slit to a clenching, seizing orgasm while my roommate snored across the room, or while I locked myself in the shower stall.
And I thought of Jake, and that big beautiful cock of his every single time.
As time went on, another thought slowly began to take root in my head. As I kept saying no to boys, and as my own confidence kept growing, I knew that really, there was only one man I wanted to give that special gift to. It became all I thought about, my every and only fantasy. I knew then that as improbable as it was - as crazy of any idea as it was - I wanted my first time to be with Mr. Harding; older man, married man, neighbor, and best friend to my father.
Now, how on earth I'd possible get that to happen was another story, and so for then, it was just the fantasy.
"Oh! We forgot to tell you the news, Chelsea!" My mom added quickly, right as I was about to hang up the phone.
"Jake and Lenore are expecting a baby!"
I froze on the edge of my small little dorm room bed as the words came through the receiver. I could feel that now familiar feeling of paralyzing and heart-sinking jealous mixing with a deep, groaning needy throb in my pussy whenever I thought of the two of them hitting me hard.
"Oh?" I managed to croak out. "How long-"
"Just about three and a half months; isn't that exciting?!"
I did the math quickly in my head and my jaw dropped right there. Three and a half months was the end of August.
No way! I shook my head to myself. There was just no way I'd managed to watch them the very night they'd gotten pregnant...
…Had I?
The thought made my whole body buzz with a strange sort of lustful excitement. On the one side, if Jake and Lenore were having a baby, that was really the end of my silly little day-dream fantasies of running away with Jake, and that sort of stung. But on the other hand, the idea that I may have literally watched Jake shoot his cum into his wife and impregnate her right in front of my eyes that night had my body tingling all over.
Winter break rolled around and I was heading back home for the holidays. Gone was the gawky, geeky, fumbling skinny kid. Instead, when I stepped out of the airport back into the muggy Florida heat of being home, I was a whole new girl.
Even Dennis, my annoying little shit of a brother complimented me in his own way.
"Wow, you don't look like a homeless girl anymore, Chelsea.”
Thanks, Dennis.
My mom and dad were of course a lot more fussy over me about my new haircut, the nicer way I was dressing, and even the more confident way I carried myself as we ate dinner that night at our favorite family spot on the way home from the airport.
"Oh, you don't have to say a thing honey" my mother had gushed to me across the table. She'd leaned over and winked at me conspiratorially. “I bet it's a boy, isn't it?"