Page 27 of Legal (First Time 1)
"No! Seriously, no. C’mon girl, you know I'm not judging, and I don't think you're a terrible person at all. I'm just- Wow. I mean, way to jump right into the whole sex and relationship thing with both feet!"
I smiled at her, still trying to not think about doomed or how wrong this whole thing with Mr. Harding was. God, I was still calling him “Mr. Harding” in my head instead of Jake!
She suddenly grinned wider at me with a look of sudden realization. “Wait, is that where you were last night?! Is he here in Boston?"
Crimson spread across my face, and I nodded sheepishly.
Lucy hooted, bringing another round of shushes from the studiers. “That's my girl! Well, if he's in town, I wanna meet him!"
“Was.” My grin faded and my eyes dropped as I thought about Jake getting on that plane.
Lucy seemed to see the look in my eyes as she scooted closer and wrapped her arms around me. “How long?”
I sighed, dropping my forehead onto her shoulder. “I’m not sure. A few weeks, which is better than Spring Break, I guess.”
“Dude, plenty of people do long distance, you know.” Lucy shrugged. “And the family thing? I mean, that’s not ideal, I’ll grant you that. But if you’re happy and your family see’s that, I bet it goes a long way to your dad not murdering the guy.”
I had to laugh, even as I sniffed back the tears. “Well, it’s also a bit more complicated than-” I stopped myself short with a shake of my head. “Never mind.”
Lucy frowned. “What?”
“No, really, it’s nothing.” I smiled at her. “Just more moping.”
I'd shrugged her off as we started to get some actual studying done, but later, I couldn't get that unfinished thought out of my head. Yes, it was complicated with the age thing, and the his being friends with my parents thing, and even if we were given the family green-light, where would we ever be a couple where we wouldn’t get stern, disapproving looks anytime people in public realized we were a couple and not father and daughter?
And then, there was the other big, big unfinished thought; the one I couldn’t even complete inside my own head, let alone share with Lucy.
You see, a week after I’d gotten back to school from winter break, I got my first hint of something being different. I told myself it was nothing though, I mean these things happened all the time, right? And even a few days after that, I still told myself it was nothing to dwell on and nothing to worry about; it would come soon, definitely.
But two weeks after I was due for my period without one, I knew something was up, and it was there in that library the day Jake left Boston that I knew I had to know.
I had to know what was coming next.
The test was easy enough, once I’d taken a cab to the other side of the city to buy one where I was sure no one would know me, and then secreted it back to my dorm room. The hard part though, was going to be opening my eyes and looking at it, and seeing what was going to come next.
Slowly, I cracked my eyes open and stared at the little stick in my hand. I could feel my heart start to beat faster, and a flush come into my cheeks as I gasped.
I was officially nineteen, and involved in an illicit relationship with a man more than twice my age who also happened to be good friends with my parents. I was also struggling to figure out where the line between lust and was, and where the heck we fell on that. Oh, and just to make things extra complicated?
I was now officially pregnant with his child.
Things where going to get really interesting.
Chapter 20:
So, yeah, after that I was long distance with Chelsea.
I mean, Jesus, I guess that meant we were in a relationship if we were calling it “going long distance”, but I was a-fucking-okay with that. Because this was the only girl I needed, and certainly the only one I wanted, so yeah, I was very okay with that.
What I was not okay with was being so damn far away from her. What I wasn’t okay with was the two-thousand miles between me and that that perfect, angelic body and that impossibly tight pussy. She was like a drug, and I was a full-blown addict. And there I was, cold-turkey without her.
I did send her a better fucking cellphone though, and a camera for her laptop so we could chat. And by that I mean, “so she could send me high-def pictures of herself sans clothes”. And I think after enough hints and shitty excuses, that roommate of hers started getting the hint that a video call from yours truly meant it was time for her to get gone, fast.
“Jesus you look fucking incredible.”