Page 20 of Legal (First Time 1)
"It’s- It's complicated. He's, uh, he's a little bit older."
Lucy arched an eyebrow at me curiously. “How much older?"
I didn't say anything, but I knew my burning cheeks gave it away.
"Woah! Look at Chelsea with the older guy!" Lucy playfully poked me in the arm as she teased me. "Well, little miss secrets, I need to run to class, but we are not done dishing on this new development!"
Later that night, when I knew Lucy was gone for her late shift at the campus health center desk, I let more than my mind wander to Jake Harding. There were complications, of course, to all of this. But for the time being, I pushed all those pesky thoughts of my being so much younger and the whole thing being so wrong out of my head as I crawled under my covers and let my mind and my fingers wander.
I thought of my last wickedly naughty meet-up with Jake, when he'd dragged me giggling behind his garage and pressed me up against the wall there. I'd moaned as he kissed me hard, feeling his tongue slip past my lips and wrestle with my own as his thick bulge pressed into me.
We'd barely gotten to his hand sliding up under my t-shirt, his fingers slipping over an aching nipple, before my mom had called out for me from the back door.
I'd just wanted one more time with him before I went back to school; just one more time to feel his thick cock throbbing bare inside of my up-until-recently virgin slit. I wanted to look into his eyes as I came like a firework exploding, stretched and filled so perfectly on his big dick. And most of all, I wanted to feel him come; wanted to feel his thick load of potent seed splash up inside of my fertile young pussy and fill me to the brim.
I had my panties down around my ankles and my fingers buried deep into my slick, tight channel then; groaning as I fucked myself while fingers from my other hand slowly drew circles around my buzzing little clit.
I wanted Jake to take me every which way; wanted to feel his hard, muscled body pick me up or hold me down as he used my little pussy for his pleasure, and mine. Our three brief encounters had only given me a taste, and now that I'd had him a little bit, I wanted it all.
I came like that, my fingers playing with my clenching, dripping slit beneath the covers of my dorm room bed as I imagined myself coming for Jake as he filled me with his cum.
Chapter 15:
"Hey honey!" I smiled, hearing my mom's voice on the phone. Man, barely two weeks back at school and I was already somewhat homesick. Ok, so I was missing home and making love with Mr. Harding, but I pushed that out of my mind as I chatted up my mom.
"So honey, we're going to come up and visit this weekend!"
Wait; what?
"Yeah honey! We've been meaning to get up to Boston with Dennis to look at colleges anyways, so we figured we'd do it now and squeeze in some visiting time while we're at it! How does that sound?"
I fumbled, thrown off for minute, before catching myself and shaking my head. “Oh, um, yeah! Sounds great!"
Actually, a little taste of home did sound good just then, even if wasn't going to involve some naughty time with my hunky, older neighbor.
"Oh, and Chelsea, I almost forgot! Jake Harding apparently has some business up that way as well next weekend, so he’ll be in town too! You get the whole neighborhood for a visit!"
Instantly, I felt my whole body clench up, feeling a surge of giddy, girly excitement bubbling up inside of me.
Oh my GOD; JAKE was coming here!? For real?!
I felt a quick pang of guilt then as I thought about it. Ok, I knew it what we were doing was so wrong. I knew it was wrong, but that didn’t mean I could help it. I simply couldn’t deny how hot Jake made me, or how I felt around him. I knew perfectly well how it would look to an outsider - the innocent, young girl getting caught up in her schoolgirl crush on the older man who should know better. But without hesitation, I knew it was more than that, for both of us. After all, I’d known Mr. Harding for my entire life, from even before I’d developed a big crush on him, and I knew he was a bigger, better man than that.
I wasn’t going to go off the deep end and go off thinking he was in love with me or anything just because I’d let him take my virginity. But I did know without a doubt that it was much more than just naughty, fun sex; for both of us.
I barely remember getting off the phone with my mom I was so excited to see Jake; come what may. Even if I couldn’t see him in the way I really wanted to, the weekend still couldn’t come fast enough!
Chapter 16:
Seeing Chelsea again was like taking a breath of fresh air after being underground, or stretching after sitting on a cramped airplane or something. I’d been sitting there in the restaurant near the hotel her family was staying at making small talk with Mike and trying not to feel like an utter piece of shit for the smiling at him while thinking horrible dirty things about his daughter. But that all went away as soon as she stepped into the place and as soon as I saw her whole face light up.