Page 6 of Mafia Monster's Forced Bride
Chapter Two
For the first time since her marriage had been arranged, Alex Smith felt a little thrum of excitement. She made her way across the college grounds, found the usual tree where she had lunch, and sat her ass down.
It had been five days since she last saw her father, but last night, he’d stopped by Roman’s apartment, where she’d been placed since the party, and told her she needed to get back to college.
She didn’t need to argue with him because staying at home, waiting for something to happen, and attempting to find her own entertainment sucked. Coming back to school and taking her classes was a welcome relief.
The sun shone brightly in the sky, forcing her to remove her cardigan, and she slid down the tree, crossed her legs, and pulled her backpack between them. Since she’d packed herself a couple of sandwiches, a bag of chips, and some fruit, she snagged her banana and ate that first.
She was so hungry. This morning, she’d only gotten a few slices of toast. Within a few bites, the banana was gone, and she grabbed her apple to take a bite.
Keeping her gaze open, she stared across the campus grounds. It was humming with activity, and she loved that. She loved learning.
For the longest time, she wanted to go to college. Her father hadn’t wanted her to. He’d offered to pay for tutors and for her to learn at home, but she refused. She wanted the experience.
He hadn’t forced her to study at home through high school. She’d gone to a public school, and that had been … interesting. Bill, her bodyguard, had always been present. Okay, he hadn’t been present, but after one particular day of bad bullying and sporting a black eye, Bill had followed her to school.
One quick glance toward the parking lot, and she saw him standing there, watching her. She held her hand up and gave him a quick wave.
In response, he lifted his hand. It looked more like an alien gesture, but she took it. He meant well.
Finishing off her apple, she then grabbed her sandwich.
Since being married to Roman, he’d denied Bill’s presence. The man worked for her father, so he wouldn’t allow the other man anywhere near her. Last night, her father told her that he’d have people looking out for her. She was going to be a target now, not just for his enemies, but also for Greco’s enemies.
Personally, she’d done nothing wrong, but it would seem, in their world, they liked to make people pay for others’ mistakes.
Leaning back against the tree, she slowed down her eating so she wouldn’t give herself a stomachache.
She missed Bill. Missed her dad. Missed Mellie, the cook back home. That woman had a way of making her feel loved and safe.
Roman had a chef at one of his restaurants who dealt with meals. They were delivered every day at the same time. Breakfast was served at exactly seven thirty. Lunch at twelve thirty, and then dinner by six thirty. She never got a say in what was cooked. The food looked pretentious, like it had spent a lifetime attempting to win awards.
Alex hated it.
Mellie’s noodle soup and dumplings and lemon cake, and the list kept on going, those were the best. Just thinking about them now made her a little homesick.
After dusting off her hands, she put her wrappings all together and went in search of the necessary trash bins. She put her trash inside and then glanced down at the time. She had five minutes to get to English class.
Glancing back toward the parking lot, she saw Bill was there. She wanted to go to him, to thank him, at the very least hug him, but she knew he wouldn’t like that. Bill liked to keep things strictly professional. At least outside, in the open. When they were alone, he let her hug and sob against his shoulder.
He was like daddy number two.
Shaking that loneliness off, she headed toward English class, only to come to a stop when she caught sight of Roman. He didn’t look at her, and she stepped behind one of the thick oak trees and glanced toward her husband. He was talking to a man, but she didn’t recognize who he was.
He hadn’t come to get her, so what was he doing on school property? Did it matter?
Roman glanced toward her, and she sank against the tree, not wanting to be seen.
Her heart started to race. Did he see her looking?
She should just make it to English. Snooping, or spying, was not for her.
Alex was about to make a break for it when fingers wrapped around her wrist, stopping her. She spun toward the person who’d grabbed her and saw Roman was there. How had he moved from across the grounds toward her so fast?
“What are you doing?” Roman asked.
She tugged at her wrist. “Let me go.” She didn’t want to cause a scene. Not many people were around, but there were a few. She hated bringing attention to herself.