Page 17 of Mafia Monster's Forced Bride
Not what he had in mind.
“You’re my wife.”
“Here we go again. Yes, I am your wife. In name only, and trust me, I am more than happy about that. I don’t want anything between us.”
He frowned. This was news to him, but then he thought about what Liam said. “You don’t want to be married to me?”
“Hell no. I wanted no part of any of this.”
“Is this because of Stuart?”
“What?” The frown between her brows deepened. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Your Stuart. The one Millie is going to try to get you to see. The one you’re willing to risk your life for, and his. I will not be disrespected, and my wife will not be fucking any other man than me.”
“Oh, my God, can you even hear yourself? We have never had sex. We are never going to have sex. You hate me, and guess what, I hate you as well. This marriage is a complete sham and a mess.”
He took a step toward her, and Alex took a step toward him.
“Are you trying to threaten me, Roman?” she asked. “Because I should warn you, I may be a woman, but I am my father’s daughter. If you so much as lay a finger on me, I will make you pay.”
This took him by surprise. “I have no intention of harming you or threatening you.” His father had already pulled him to one side many times and stated that his marriage was an embarrassment to the Greco name.
People whispered.
Enemies plotted.
And a weakness could be found in a marriage.
“You will never fuck another man. You are mine, Alex. I will make this Stuart pay. Do you understand?”
Alex laughed. “Oh, my God. Seriously, can you even hear yourself? You don’t even know who Stuart is, and you’re already threatening him. He’s done nothing to you.”
“He is taking the attention of my wife away.”
“You don’t even care that I’m your wife. We’re perfect strangers who live under one roof, your roof.”
It didn’t matter. No one would ever have a taste of Alex, only him, or at least, only him from now on.
“What you had with Stuart is in the past.”
“Wow, okay. Wow. This is about the stupid virginity test, isn’t it?” Her hands clenched into fists, and she raised them as if to strike, but she didn’t hit him. She took a step back.
“You’re unbelievable,” she said. “You won’t accept that I am actually a virgin, will you?”
“If you were, why not take the test?”
“Do you even listen to the words that come out of your mouth? Or are they just sounds?” She spun away from him and then stepped toward him. “In case this is lost on you, I don’t like the idea of having a strange man or woman looking between my legs. The reason I didn’t want to have the test is because it would be a stranger, and I was allowed to have my dad present. Do you have any idea what that would be like? No, of course not, because to you, it’s just a simple test, but to me, that is an invasion of privacy. I refused, end of story, and while we’re at it, and you’re throwing blame my way, Stuart, the guy you want to have killed, that would make you a child killer. He’s six years old. I’ve known him since he was three. He was found dumped in a trash bin outside of one of my father’s strip clubs. I found him. I was the one who tried to take care of him, but my dad decided I was too young. So we placed the baby in an orphanage and he has never been adopted.”
She took a deep breath. Roman was shocked.
“Are you happy now? Do you still want to go out and kill this young boy? He is a sweetheart, and in the last three years, no one has even cared to give him a chance. He is adorable and sweet, but he has scars. He doesn’t remember anything other than me. Now, please get the hell out of my bedroom. You have no right to be here.”
It was the first time Roman had ever been kicked out of a room.
He watched as Alex ignored him and went through to her bathroom, which he glimpsed right before she closed the door.