Page 110 of Mafia Monster's Forced Bride
Cash slapped him on the back as he made his way outside.
So did Marlo, and then Antonio.
“Would you have slept with her if you had the chance?” Roman asked.
Antonio was the last one to leave. “Not a chance. I think I had a hunch from the beginning that she was different, and you liked her. Don’t fuck it up this time.” He closed the door, and Roman rubbed at his temple.
He was tempted to enjoy the scotch some more, but that wouldn’t help him to clear his head. Getting to his feet, he stumbled to the desk, and lifted the divorce paperwork. There were tabs on each line needed for his signature, and he hadn’t put a damn one there.
Instead, he grabbed the paperwork, opened a drawer, and picked up a lighter. Stepping toward the fireplace, he held the lighter beneath the paperwork and flicked the light.
He watched and waited as it caught light, and he placed it gently, so as not to let it blow out, in the fireplace.
Roman watched the contract go up in flames.
Alex wasn’t going to be able to get rid of him quite that easily. Not yet. He knew setting fire to the divorce letter wouldn’t stop, but it would give him some time. His dad was going to be so pissed, but that was nothing new.
It was time to win back his wife, but for real this time.
Raising fifteen kids was hard.
Alex knew it would always be difficult, but she never realized how demanding it would be. She wouldn’t change it for the world. Each morning, she was awake by five thirty to make sure breakfast was on the table. The kids always made it down by six.
Breakfast was a lot of fun, but she had to keep reminding the kids they had school and to rush them along. They were always talking about the dreams they had the night before, which she did love to hear.
Once they were finished with breakfast, it was a mad dash to getting changed. She was pleased they didn’t have just the one bathroom, otherwise, she’d only ever get a couple of hours of sleep a night.
After they were dressed and ready, ninety percent of the time, it was car duty, then school drop-off. She often had to drop the oldest off at school first so she could make it in time for the rest of the kids. They were split between three schools, which meant three different drop-offs.
She was lucky, though.
They had all banded together to make this work. She’d overheard the kids talking one night that if they didn’t help her out or make this work, there was a chance they’d all be taken away. She wasn’t sure if that was accurate, but according to her father when she asked him, there was always a chance that if it didn’t look like things were working out, social workers, the police, and just about anyone else, could step in and take them away from her.
Alex couldn’t allow that. She loved these kids. They were hers, and she was going to give them the best damn chance she could.
With the kids in school, she often drove home and did a mad dash around the house, cleaning and putting everything neatly. She’d spend a short time studying as she’d taken up her classes again, and with her dad’s help, she’d arranged for all her work to be done from home. The lectures were already recorded, so it wasn’t so hard to watch them. If she didn’t get a chance during the day, when they were all asleep, she did some homework then. In the last two months, she rarely did any sewing.
Her dad had set up a brand-new room in the main house. Also, as an early birthday present, he’d handed over the deeds to the house. This place was now her own, and she loved it.
All she had to figure out was a job that fit into her busy schedule. This was how her day had repeated for the last two months.
Two months since she learned the truth about Roman. Two months without seeing him.
They had been married for that long, before he started to notice her, and now, she wished the few weeks they had together hadn’t happened. It would make moments like these, when she was bent over a newspaper looking at all different kinds of job opportunities, and she had time to think about Roman. With the kids home, her mind and feelings were safe. Alone, they were not.
There was so much about him she missed. So damn much.
Tears filled her eyes as she remembered hearing the truth from his dad. How it had all been a lie.
The front door opened, and Alex knew it was either her dad or Millie. She’d gotten around to having the locks changed. Even though Antonio had been by to help her pick out a car or mini-bus, she made sure he didn’t take any keys.
Liam entered the room, and she smiled at him, getting to her feet and rushing to his side. “Hey,” she said.
“I missed the breakfast run, didn’t I?” he asked.
Alex didn’t actually get to drive the kids to school, Millie or one of her father’s guards often drove, but she was right in the vehicle to see them off to school. She was still taking lessons, and it was a process. She’d get there.