Page 31 of His Daughter's Best Friend
She stepped closer anyway and blinked her wide, beautiful eyes. “Then what do I do?”
Was I imagining the coy note in her voice? I honestly couldn’t fucking tell anymore. It didn’t matter whether it was real or imagined though, lust was still slamming into me as I considered all the things she could do. With effort, I shoved the thoughts away and managed to say, “Keep my calendar straight and transfer my calls, and consider your job done.”
I walked stiffly into my office, wishing for the first time that my door had a lock and that that two-thirds of the interior walls weren’t fucking transparent. If I could have gotten some privacy, I’d have jerked off to the memory of her lips forming the question what do I do? And put her out of my mind.
Instead, I had to talk one client off a ledge over a perceived slight on set with my dick straining painfully against my pants. I stared at the back of Lily’s blonde head and lost my train of thought more than once. Now I was the one pissing off my client.
“You’re not even listening!” she yelled and hung up.
I couldn’t argue that. She was an important client, but somehow, I couldn’t remember a word she said. I didn’t know whether to call up the director and tell him to give her a bigger trailer or the other actor’s agent and rip him a new one. I slammed the phone down, frustration and something darker thrumming through me. I narrowed my eyes as Lily laughed at something Maureen had said. I couldn’t hear her through the glass, but I imagined the throaty sound of it. Thought of her profile picture again, those long, bare legs, the curve of her ass.
Three and a half more weeks, I told myself. Then Maureen would be out on maternity leave and Lily would be out on that perfect ass. After what she’d pulled, I’d take away everything. The job. The condo. I’d have to find a way to deal with Halley, but that seemed easy compared to the excruciating torture of being in close proximity with the one person I wanted that I couldn’t have.
Why hadn’t she just stayed the fuck away?