Page 18 of His Daughter's Best Friend
“What?” I asked belligerently.
“That’s what I’m asking you,” he said. “Although my question is more like, what the hell are you thinking? Didn’t you make us all swear a fucking blood oath not to touch this girl because she’s just a kid?”
I shot him a killing look. “I’m not thinking anything. So whatever you think I’m thinking, keep it to your fucking self.”
“That’s great advice. Make sure you follow it since that’s your daughter’s best friend.” Landon’s voice was low and pleasant, but his tone carried an unmistakable warning.
I bristled, even though I knew it came from a good place. Landon had seen the way I looked at Lily. Knew what it meant. He was trying to keep me out of trouble, the same way Garrett tried to reign in his clients as their crisis manager. But this wasn’t a crisis, and I didn’t need to be managed.
“I know who she is,” I snapped. “And even if she wasn’t Halley’s best friend, she’s a Walker Agency employee. I don’t fuck with employees as a rule.”
“Good. Don’t break it.” Landon sat back, prepared to let it go.
But when Lily walked out again, holding the box with her sandwich, I couldn’t help but follow her with my eyes all the way down the sidewalk until she crossed the street with quick, light steps and disappeared from view.
Landon sighed and shook his head. He didn’t need to say anything. I knew.
I was in trouble.