Page 10 of Growl For Me (A Camden Falls Wolf Pack 1)
The moment his teeth pierced my skin was the moment everything changed. I felt myself being tethered to him, our bodies becoming one, and why wouldn’t I want this? He was my true mate, the only man to ever care enough for me. All the memories I’d lost before came back to me in an instant and I realized that I didn’t actually know this man, and still it didn’t bother me like it should. I wasn’t worried at all.
Some women would have been freaked out. I wasn’t I’d longed to belong to someone. Someone that wanted me. Loved me. Despite the crazy way I’d found him. Ryan was this man. I thanked god and anything that had to do with my car breaking down that I was given this gift.
Yes, I knew I should be shocked and scared at all this. But somehow, I just couldn’t manufacture any indignant feelings.
Simply awed and wrapped tightly to him was all I felt. Like the cosmos was finally aligned for me. Perfection and bliss would be what I would experience with this man. So who fucking cared who he was, who’d I’d been? I wanted this. I wanted him. I knew somehow, I belonged with him. My family… he was the family I’d always wanted. He wanted me for me. He acted as though I was the center of his universe already. What would it be like to have a future with him? I knew that I must be glowing at this very second with the thought of living with him and being with him.
Everything he’d done to me and with me last night made me want to possess him like he’d possessed me. It made me want to bite and mark him like he had me. I knew the next time we had sex I would mark him, showing everyone that he was mine. Yes, it was insane and made no sense. I still didn’t care. Who was there to judge this? Me… and I was so on board with this.
When I awoke from yet another restful sleep, I gazed over at my mate, my body tingling at the word. My man. He was still peacefully asleep, so I decided to slip out from under the bed sheets and tiptoe into the bathroom. My bladder felt as if it was going to explode at any given second so I do my thing, and gritted my teeth at the tenderness of my pussy. It was a stark reminder of how much pleasure I was given just mere hours ago.
Once finished, I washed my hands and made my way back out into the bedroom. I stood there for a long moment eyeing the room, and realizing all of this was mine too. I came here with nothing and now I had it all.
Tears form in my eyes but I blinked them away. I couldn’t cry, not today. I gave Ryan a once over, my eyes staying trained to his very tone, very delicious abdomen. I could definitely go for some of that for breakfast. I giggled quietly to myself and left the room before I did something naughty. I meandered downstairs and into the kitchen. My belly growled right then, and I pat it gently.
“Yes, yes I know you’re hungry,” I mumbled playfully as I got all the ingredients out for an omelet. I was cooking away when I sensed someone behind me. A tingle ran down my spine and I heard the growl before I even see him. I turned just in time to see Ryan shift into a wolf the growl he emitted caused the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end. My eyes darted across the room, following Ryan’s wolf to the target of the shift.
A man stood in the middle of the living room; there wasn’t a trace of fear in his features and if anything, he seemed slightly amused.
I stared in awe of Ryan’s wolf, my wolf. His fur was grey, and shimmered in the dim lighting. He was a mammoth of a wolf just like he was as a man. It somehow didn’t surprise me. Ryan was a wolf.
“Put your hackles down Ryan.” The mystery man chuckled as if he found this entire fiasco hilarious.
Ryan snapped his teeth; the sound was horrendous and caused my belly to tighten. Any sane person would be terrified of what was taking place in front of them, but not me. This was somehow perfectly right, which is strange since a few hours ago, I had no idea that werewolves even existed.
Ryan growled once more, as I took a defining step towards him. I could feel the connect between us tighten, and there was a warning on the end of that line that said, stay where you are missy. I nibbled on my bottom lip in temptation, wondering what kind of punishment I might get for disobeying?