Page 32 of Inevitable (A Kingpin Love Affair 2)
“We already moved everything. You just told us not to notify you of anything unless there were major changes,” Miller stated.
Wringing my hands through my hair, I sat on one of the flimsy fucking chairs. This safe house was no good.
“We need to kill him. We need to kill all of them. If they get caught by the FBI, there will be no way to kill them.” At first, I was okay with Zerro getting years and years in prison, but now I was starting to think him being ten feet below my feet would be better. He deserved to be spat on.
“Where is Devon?” I asked, lighting a cigarette. I needed something to keep from wrapping my hands around these men’s necks.
“Right here, sir,” Devon’s voice sounded as he stepped into the small cabin. His eye was slightly black, and his lip was bleeding. Bitch had done a number on him. The biggest question was why the fuck did they let her out.
“Looks like the bitch did quite a number on you.” I smiled, blowing smoke out of my mouth.
“Yeah… kind of…” he commented, his eyes never leaving mine. He was one of the honest ones, so why the fuck had he done this. He used to work for Zerro before he was removed from the team and put in isolation. I stayed in touch with him for the moment when I knew I would take over. I just never planned on an actual distraction coming into the picture.
“Why was she out of the hole to begin with?” I demanded.
“I just wanted to rough her a bit. I wanted to fuck with her head. Plus, you know most of us men hadn’t had any company in a while…” Devon trailed off. I got what he was saying, but it didn’t mean it was okay.
“You fucking disobeyed my orders. John’s dead now. Bree is gone, probably back with Zerro, and you stupid fucks are responsible for it.”
“We didn’t—” Miller tried to say, but I reached out wrapping my hand around his throat.
“You didn’t what? It would be best if you treaded lightly with your next words because I’m about five seconds away from plunging my knife into your heart,” I said blowing smoke into his face.
“Sir, it was my fault. I had gotten her out of the hole. I hadn’t intended her to sucker punch me and running for her life,” Devon confessed. I narrowed my eyes at him, releasing Miller with a shove.
“Then you’ll be the one to get her back. You’ll be the one to bring the bitch to me so I can bring the King to his fucking knees,” I spat. I despised the man. For years, I had been his right-hand man, never receiving a thank you for half the shit I had done. Instead, I was always beaten into the ground.
He had everything while I had nothing. It would stop now. I was tired of being the fucking dirt beneath his feet. I would take every last thing from him. His home and empire had already been destroyed. But we both knew that’s not what made him breathe. No, it was the girl. She had gotten into the dark part of his mind, and shined light on it. I would take her, destroy him for who he was, and then kill both of them. There was no war. There was simply a winner and a loser. They would lose…
“You’re going to take her out on a fucking date with death knocking on our doorstep,” Jared bellowed at Zerro. Three days had passed since I had gone off the rails and become a crazed person. Zerro had twice talked me off the cliff I was on¸ bringing me back to the realization there were people out there who needed to pay for all the damage they had caused.
John was dead, and though it hurt me, he was working with Mack. He had used me, and there wouldn’t have been any other way around it. It was either kill or be killed, and I refused to die.
“I talked to Devon and we deciphered a plan…” Zerro said smugly. Devon had actually turned out to be the green-eyed man who freed me. He still had yet to tell any of us about this plan, but I trusted him. In a way, it was better I didn’t know what we were going into until the last second.
“Zerro, secrets destroy people. Tell us this plan you have come up with,” my father James said from across the living room. I was simply trying to get back to regular life by catching up on some of my favorite TV shows.
“The plan is simple. Devon is working with Mack. He used to be one of my best men. He had Intel into the FBI. I need him on my side when all this ends.”
“What does that even mean?” I asked, trying to keep my attention on The 100. My attention slipped as I felt Zerro’s gaze on me. He looked like someone had pissed in his Cheerios.
“Why the fuck are all of you second guessing me?” he growled. His hand gripped the back of the couch.
“Maybe because you have yet to tell us about the plan you say is going to save us all from life in prison,” Jared threw in before I could say anything.
“You’re really starting to piss me the fu—”
“Would you all just shhh… I’m really trying to watch this…” I interrupted Zerro knowing he would take his aggression out on me this evening.
“Shut up and listen to me. We need to know the plan, Zerro. You’re not alone in your decisions anymore. What you do affects us all and we have the right to know.” My father, the logical one, finally stepped in.
I paused the DVR and turned around to look at all three men who were shooting daggers at one another.
“Maybe they wouldn’t be giving you so much flack about us going on this ‘normal’ date if you actually told them what the hell was going on?”