Page 19 of Property of Pops
We’re molded so closely that I feel her pussy clench in response to those words. “Maybe I should take away some pain right now,” she whispers.
The beach is growing darker beneath the blanket of evening. Mostly everyone has gone home or into restaurants for dinner. Only a few stragglers are packing up their equipment now, but when she looks at me like a horny college girl from beneath her eyelashes, I find out very quickly that my dick isn’t willing to wait. And the more she strokes her pussy against it, the more likely it is that I’m going to come before I can make proper love to her.
A glance over my shoulder shows me there is an outcropping of rocks that will hide us from everyone’s sight and I practically stumble toward it, salivating with the need to get my dick in the tight cradle of her body. She’s already moaning and popping open the button of my shorts. By the time I sit down on a knee-high rock, her short skirt is already up around her hips, her short gasps of air turning me on like a son of a bitch.
My hand circles my arousal, preparing to press it up into her soaked opening, but a pair of male voices grow louder down by the shoreline, so I yank her skirt down to cover her precious ass, growling into her ear for her to wait. Anyone sees this pussy but me, I’ll go ballistic. But Coco doesn’t seem to care. Or be aware that we have a potential audience.
No, she’s already panting away, pulling the front of her dress down to her waist and guiding my hands to her beautiful tits. And God help me, I want to mold them in my palms, milk them with my mouth, but the thought of other men getting a glimpse of her nakedness is enough to drive me stark raving mad, so I somehow resist, ordering her once again to wait. “Stay still, Coco,” I mutter hoarsely, gritting my teeth when she starts tiding back and forth on my throbbing cock. “You remember the punishment we spoke about?” She nods, a mischievous look in her eyes as she licks through my forest of black and gray chest hair. “Oh, I see, you think it would be fun. Is that right?”
She bites her lip and nods, palms her supple titties.
I’m screwed.
I can no more stop myself than fly us on a rocket ship to the moon.
The fly of my shorts is loosened and my hard shaft is in my hand before I know I’ve taken it out. “Sit on it and don’t move a fucking muscle.”
Her body begins to tremble with excitement, her chest rising and falling quickly. Quickly. She holds my left shoulder for balance and reaches down to fist my cock with her right. Pressing her forehead to mine, she tries to fit me into her hole, but Jesus, she’s off by about an inch and growing frustrated, little mewling noises escaping her throat. She’s so inexperienced, she doesn’t know where I belong. And when she whines, “Help me,” I take over, gripping my dick, now slippery with her moisture, her need, and I slide it lower to her entrance, get it a few inches inside of her tight tunnel, then I slam my hips upward, clapping a hand over her mouth a split second before she screams.
A guttural groan grinds in my chest and it doesn’t stop.
I mold her ass cheeks in both hands, lust demanding I yank her forward and back, witness her on top for the first time, this angel that was sent to bring me back to life. I promised a punishment and a general never goes back on his word, but Christ, I’m willing to bet I’m the only retired general who has had a gorgeous twenty-one-year-old starved for his cock. Whimpering and wiggling all over it and begging me with her eyes to fuck her.
Damn. Damn.
“I think…” I grind out through my teeth, balls turning to rocks. “I think I underestimated my ability to resist you…again.”
Exhilaration flashes in her eyes. “Do I tempt you?”
“More than anything or anyone on this earth,” I rasp against her lips. “Oh God, you’re so fucking wet, angel baby. A miracle. That pussy has been waiting for an authority figure, hasn’t it?” I raise my hand and bring it down with a sharp crack against her ass cheek. “Well, here I am, goddammit. Ride it hard.”
She moans, her gaze losing focus. But she doesn’t move. That mischief returns to her eyes and she pushes down, no longer wiggling, just brushing her lips side to side against mine, my cock trapped in her snugness, suffering more and more the longer she sits still.
“You’re going to kill me, little girl,” I growl, winding her hair around my fist.
Looking me right in the eye, she slowly wraps her legs more securely around my waist.
Then she milks me with her pussy, squeezing, releasing, squeezing.
I hear a moaning sound and for a second, I think our audience is back and they’re reacting to the sight of Coco working her hips—hell, that would make anyone moan—but I realize it’s me. I’m moaning and panting, diving in to suck her stiff nipples, two of my fingers rubbing her bratty asshole. And she still hasn’t moved anything but the tiny muscles between her thighs. They continue to contract and relax around me. “I said, ride it.”
“I’m accepting my punishment like a good girl,” she purrs against my mouth.
“Punishment is over,” I pant. “This is a punishment for me, not you.”
“Hmmm.” She leans sideways, teasing the side of my neck with long, hot drags of the tip of her tongue. “You don’t think I want to bounce on it?”
The word bounce turns my grip on her butt bruising. “All right, cock tease. You’ve made your point. Have mercy now.” I surge forward, pressing her lips apart with my own, drawing her into a heated kiss that turns her cunt even more damp. “Daddy is in pain.”
The kiss turns more and more passionate until her hips start jerking up and back. Until they’re in a full gallop on my lap, her tits bouncing playfully. It’s in the middle of this kiss that I realize I love Coco. I’ve loved her since the moment I saw her. The way our bodies are connected is fucking incredible. Ages be damned, we have the kind of physical chemistry that people dream about but never find in their lifetime. But it’s the kiss. It’s bonding with her on an emotional level, interpreting the strokes of her tongue into feelings, sharing a heartbeat as well as oxygen…that’s what pushes me the final steps into a goddamn obsession.
And when we break apart for oxygen, I can see that obsession is returned.
She’s heavy lidded and pink cheeked, looking up at me like I’m some kind of god.
I am one with this goddess moaning on my cock.
“I have naughty thoughts about you,” she whispers haltingly, her tongue becoming more and more adventurous. Brave. Licking across my shoulders and rasping over my midday stubble. “About us.”