Page 6 of Indebted (A Kingpin Love Affair 1)
“I might be a criminal, dear Bree, but killing beautiful women isn’t something I enjoy doing. If you do as you’re told, I won’t hurt you.” His deep, silky voice invades my body and my senses. I shudder as my palms sweat, and a slick coating of fear fills my belly.
Before I am ready, I am being led out of my home. My heart constricts and panic seizes me as I try to look at my dad one last time. “Daddy…” I manage to gasp out before my ears fill with my dad’s broken, sobbing voice. “Bree… Bree… I’m so… Bree!” My father’s wails may be my final memories of him.
My throat constricts with sobs wanting to erupt, but I can’t let them out. I can’t break down yet, so I let anger take over my heart. When we stop at the SUVs, I turn to Alzerro with fire in my eyes and heartache in my voice. “You didn’t even let me say good-bye! You didn’t give me a chance to pack or take anything important to me. I have nothing, nothing to remind me of my life!”
Alzerro chuckles at my outburst, and his eyes light up like he’s enjoying my dismay. He fucking chuckles at me! “Oh, my darling Bree, that’s kind of the point. You are mine. Your life is mine. Your memories, emotions, desires are all mine. I own you. Your life as you knew it doesn’t exist anymore,” he explains to me as if he’s talking to a child.
It’s at this moment that I realize what I have gotten myself into. As the realization quickly settles in, I make myself a promise. I will play Alzerro’s game, and I will let him think he owns me. But, he will never control my mind or my heart. He will never know about my secret act of defiance. I will always remember who I am and where I come from. I will always be me – the Bree I want to be!
I take a deep breath, allowing my new resolve to fill me. “I know I agreed to go with you and all, but what exactly am I to do?” I hadn’t even thought of that. I just wanted to find a way to save my father’s life and get these men out of my mother’s home.
“We’ll start off slowly since we don’t know one another. Everyday we’ll work up to the best part of all…” he whispers, his breath tickling my ear.
“What’s the best part?” I ask innocently.
“When you ride my dick.” A smirk pulls at his lips as I gasp and my face reddens. I am not stupid; I know what will happen. I know someone like him doesn’t just take someone like me and force her to clean his house or complete menial tasks. I just didn’t expect him to be so blunt and straightforward with his words.
“Does that bother you? Riding my dick? Because you will ride it. You’ll ride it long and hard. I will fill your pussy and fuck you into oblivion.”
Without warning, the rope around my ankles is pulled tighter, and a scrap of fabric lands in Alzerro’s hands. He leans in closer than before, and I open my mouth for him to put it in. His hands wrap the fabric around my head as he secures the gag. Then the asshole behind me tightens it even more, and my visions starts to go blurry just as my eyes land on a very pleased face. Alzerro may have gotten what he wanted, but I earned my father’s freedom.
“Welcome to your new home.” Alzerro’s words are anything but welcoming as I enter his home…excuse me, my new fortress—it’ll never be home. I massage my wrists where the rope rubbed my skin raw. My world seems fuzzy and discombobulated as I try to take everything in. I try to remember how I got here, but the last thing I remember is being gagged. Damn it, the gag must have been soaked with a sedative even though I promised I wouldn’t fight him. As my wooziness dissipates, I remember my dad, the debt, me being payment…
Now I am standing in a mafia king’s home. Well, actually it’s more like a mansion – the kind you see in movies that has three pools and twenty-five bedrooms, with more bathrooms than bedrooms, with live-in help… You know what I’m talking about, right?
“Thank you,” I reply softly. In such a large space, my voice can hardly be heard. Just from my view in the entryway, I know this house is magnificent. The floors are marble, sleek and glistening under the lights. There’s a grand, long, sweeping staircase ahead of me. I admire the high ceilings, large windows, and expensive artwork. I know seeing this house in the daylight will be amazing.
Alzerro nudges me to follow his men up the staircase. I comply immediately and quietly. We walk down a long hall, passing numerous doors. I am not sure If I want to know what is behind them or not. We finally reach two French doors at the end of the hall.
“Leave us,” Alzerro simply says. I turn around to watch his men walk away like he had ordered them to. My heart sinks into my stomach. Have I made a mistake? Did I really know what I was getting myself into?
Stop it. You didn’t want them to continue hurting your father, and you know you wouldn’t be able to live without him. Without your dad, you’re as good as dead.
The voice in my head stops me from saying anything. I can’t possibly tell this man that I am having second thoughts, that I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
I watch as he opens the door and walks into the large room. His body relaxes as the tension within him seems to dissolve. It seems as if he is a completely different person in his surroundings. Almost like he’s really human. Almost.
“Come, Piccolo,” he demands. Piccolo – is that Italian? It sounds that way, though I have no idea what it means. Without a comment, I obey him and walk into his room slowly. There is a king-sized bed sitting on the far side of the room that looks like it’s right out of an expensive hotel. It is large and lavish with big, fluffy pillows and beautiful, luxurious blankets.