Page 30 of Indebted (A Kingpin Love Affair 1)
Stopping myself from thinking of the way his cock tastes in my mouth, I head to the shower, my mind turning my blissful thoughts into shit immediately. Even if the sex is good, and he hasn’t killed my yet, it doesn’t mean it isn’t going to happen. Once I have served a purpose to him, it will happen. I know I need to pull myself from thinking that he can be saved, but I don’t think I can. I see that sliver of hope in his eyes. He still believes in himself somewhere deep inside the darkness that holds him.
I turn the water on, running my hand under the water until I get it to the temperature I want. Then I slip into the shower, letting the hot water hit my skin. The bathroom smells just like him, and I find myself reaching for his body wash and smelling it. It’s not a complex smell, nothing that has a fancy name to it. It simply smells clean, manly if you will.
I put some onto my hands and wash my body with it. He doesn’t have any feminine bathroom products, and I’m not sure if I should be happy or not about it. He doesn’t seem like the type to have a girlfriend, but he does seem the type to use and abuse. He hasn’t talked to me about his past, any ex’s he’s had, or what he does for work. All I know about him is that he is a Mafia King, and that he has money. That much is known.
I lather the shampoo into my hair, scrubbing it in frustration to the things that are going on around me. I know nothing about him or the darkness that cloaks him, cloaks everything that he is. Mack, being the only person I can possibly go to, isn’t an option. Not after what he did, or almost did, to me.
A sigh leaves my lips, as I slip back under the hot stream of water. I still hadn’t told him about what Mack almost did, or how he has treated me. Not that I thought that it will do me any good. If Zerro can kill a whole room of people, I’m sure he can care less about a woman being raped.
I rinse away the soap, wishing that I can rinse away the way I am feeling inside. Even if there is a sliver of hope, and light left in him, can I save him and walk away unscathed? Something tells me it won’t be that easy.
I shiver as I shut the water off and watch it go down the drain. I am stalling. I am not sure what will take place tonight, I don’t know that there will be anything that will occur between us.
“Five minutes,” he says, tapping against the wood door of the bathroom. I pull myself from my thoughts and force myself to dry off. I need to get out of my head. There is no point in trying to hide inside my own mind.
Once my hair and body are dry, I wrap the towel around my body and slip through the door. The room is empty as I tiptoe over to the bed. A glimpse of red catches my eyes as I take in the red dress that lays on the bed. I touch the edge of the dress. The material is soft, similar to the other dress I had been given.
Who is this man? He dresses me, fucks me like he owns me, and he is dark and full of secrets. I have a decision to make. I can wear the dress or defy him and wear something else. It is beautiful, though, and I know just looking at it that it will look good on me. However, won’t doing what he wants be giving myself over to him?
Then again, I have no idea as to where it is that we were going, and if I don’t wear the dress, he will just make me put it on anyway. Growling, I curse him and his explicit dress choice. I pull out a pair of black panties and a red strapless bra.
I slip the dress on, relishing in the softness that wraps around me. I feel as if I am wrapped in the softest blanket in the world. The dress is very similar to the other dress, except this one is tighter. My body is curved into it like a glove. My breasts are accented very well, and my waist line looks tiny.
“You look exceptional…” His dark voice says behind me. I hadn’t heard him slip into the room, and that is probably because I can’t stop staring at how I look in the mirror.
“Compliments of you of course…” I say smugly, unable to wipe the look off my face. I know if I start going soft, it will be a lost cause. I have to get out of this alive.
A smile peeks at his lips… “Who else will know your body like I do?” he questions. He is trying to make my mind drift back to the time we shared this afternoon. It had been intimate and passionate. It will be something I will be thinking about for many days to come.
“You don’t have to buy me shit… I don’t need any more debt to have to be paid…” I trail off, my fingers fidgeting with the edge of the dress. A pair of kick ass looking heels are next to my feet, but I am not sure I want to wear them. I can hardly walk in shoes, heels will kill me.
“Consider it as a gift then.” His voice is cool, and his face is void of all emotions. He is dressed in black slacks with a red tie and a white shirt underneath. He dresses to please, and just looking at him makes me want to run straight to the bed and forget about doing anything. He oozes so much sex and confidence that it consumes everything in its way.