Page 21 of Indebted (A Kingpin Love Affair 1)
“We were sir, we didn’t see…”
“Then you go out there and check it out. There isn’t any reason to get me, unless you don’t have the situation under control?” I question him, wondering if he really has the situation under control. Luccio’s words ring in my ear to watch my back, to protect myself.
“Sir…” Mack tries to get in, but I turn on him. In a second, my hands are wrapping around his throat. He might be bigger than I, but I am faster.
Leaning into his face, making sure he can hear and see every word coming from my mouth, I spit at him, “You have one job, Mack. One job. If you can’t do your job, then what fucking good are you to me or this family?”
I have known him a long time yet have never seen the anger that is showing in his eyes before.
“If you would just fuck the bitch in the basement and then kill her, maybe your head would be where it’s supposed to be.” My hand clenches tighter around his throat as my patience for bullshit flies out the window.
“She is mine to do with as I please. I wasn’t aware that you had a problem with her. Do you have a problem?” My eyes narrow as his face grows blue in color. I know if I don’t let up soon, he will be out. It doesn’t matter how big you are, if you lose air supply, you will be out for the count.
When he doesn’t answer me, I squeeze harder, my fingers digging into his flesh. Nothing matters to me anymore, or at least that’s what I keep telling myself. His eyes bulge out of his head and I can hear his body gasping for even the tiniest shred of oxygen. The noise pulls me from my mind, and I release him. I am a monster, a horrible person, but I am above killing my own kind.
He sucks in a breath and then another as he stands there, the life coming back to his eyes.
“Would you have really killed me over such a pathetic question?” he asks in between breaths. I ignore his question and head straight to the security room. No one is manning the desk. Fiery rage fills me. What is the use if no one is here to fucking do as I say?
Letting it go for the time being, I focus my attention on the monitors. The cameras don’t show a disturbance, but the alarm is going off which means even if the intruders aren’t seen, they are still out there.
“Fuck…” I pound my fist against the table. Mack is right. She is getting under my skin. She is distracting me. Making me think crazy fucking things. Things that I can never, nor should I ever, be thinking about.
I need to handle this on my own. Hitting myself against the head a few times, I feel as if everything is finally back into place. I head toward the backdoor and out into the darkness. I am a hunter searching for his prey. My eyes adjust to the darkness, and my body fills with tension as I ready myself for a fight.
“Come out wherever you are…” I demand, my voice that of someone I don’t even know. The wind blows, and the moon shines brightly down on me as I stare up at it. How confused and fucked up am I?
A twig snapping in the distance brings me from my thoughts, and it is then that I see the shadow of a man looming by the perimeter wall. If he thinks he is getting away, he has another thing coming.
With precise movements, quietly and stealthily, I sneak up on him. His frame is large, but from his heavy breathing, I can tell it isn’t muscle he is carrying around.
The moon illuminates the sky, but not enough for me to get a good look at the guy. Crossing the short distance that stands between us, I reach out and grab his shoulder, turning him around quickly and pushing his body against the brick wall.
Reaching for my gun on reflex, I realize I have forgotten to grab it. I never forget to grab it. Her.
Ah. Fuck it. Hand to hand it is. Looking at the guy, I am not really worried. His face is heavy, and his eyes hold a secret that I plan on getting out of him.
“Who the fuck are you?” I growl. I am six…five…no, about one second away from ripping his fucking face off.
“I…” he stutters. I can see the fear, feel it coming off of him. I may have even got a whiff of piss.
“Did you just piss your pants?” I yell in his face. Spit escapes my mouth and clings to his face. He doesn’t even move to wipe it away.
A whimper escapes his lips, but that isn’t good enough for me. A whimper isn’t an answer.
“I’m going to ask you nicely one more time. WHO THE FUCK SENT YOU?” My words vibrate within me. My teeth clench as my body begs to unleash hell on this fucker’s ass.
“I work….” Well, we are making progress – two fucking words is better than one, but it isn’t the answer I want.
Gripping him by the throat, I rip the knife from my ankle where I always keep it and press it firmly against his throat. Blood trickles from the cut, but I am not done. I will be bathing in his blood by the end of this if he doesn’t provide me with answers.
“Tell me…” I snarl, pushing the knife in with more force. His eyes widen and his breaths become pants. He is going to have a heart attack if I don’t kill him soon.
“Luccio,” he says the name like it is one he knows well. I narrow my eyes at him, trying to determine if he is in fact telling the truth. Luccio had been the very person to warn me… Could he be the person who set me up to begin with?