Page 9 of Stranded With My Brother's Best Friend
Nodding, she looked a bit calmer. “Harris. Nice name. Though a bit unusual.”
Yes, it was his call name. Not that anyone except a few people ever knew this and those people were now dead.
“So, how did it happen?” she asked in a quiet voice.
He turned to look at her. “Look, right now you are weak, still with a possible concussion. How about we try to get you well, then we can explore this.”
Looking hesitant, she asked, “Then you’ll tell me how we met? How I got up here and how I got this concussion?”
He nodded. Yes, he was stalling for time. He needed her to remember first. Then when she did…What? She would know he was a lair. Then again, he would know why she was climbing up his dammed mountain. She could still be an enemy, she just doesn’t remember it. He let out a breath. Then there was something more to this whole thing. He wanted her, badly. He’d felt hot for women before. Attracted even, but never with this gut wrenching want.
He stood up. “First, you can now rest in one of the bedrooms.” Yes, good idea, get her out of reach. Her, in her bra and panties. No wonder he wanted to throw her down and fuck her till he was spent. “Then you can shower, when you feel a bit stronger. You’re upset right now and weak again. Then maybe dinner.”
Releasing a breath, she stood up and looked a bit wobbly again.
Against his better judgement, he simply scooped her up. “You’re tired and weak. Let’s shelf this subject for at least a day.” He strode to one of the bedrooms, through the door and set her on the bed. “There are clothes in the closets and dressers. Most are guy’s clothes but there are various sizes, so you might find something to wear. We can’t have you parading around in your underwear forever,” he joked. Though, I sure as hell seemed to like it a bit too much.
“O-okay. It sounds like a good plan.” She suddenly laid back and was out like a light again.
He stepped close and looked down at this mystery woman. God dammit, was she beautiful. A slut? Like she’d said. He hardly thought so. This woman could have any man she wanted.
He wondered now, as he felt a bit sick at the thought. Did she have someone out there? A woman who looks like her and the way she just speaks her mind. He shook himself out of these kinds of wanderings and pulled a blanket over her.
He walked over and started the fire she needed in the fireplace. He would feed her, let her rest and shower. Then tomorrow, he hoped her memory would return.
He, himself hadn’t slept at all in the last 2 days. It didn’t mater, as this wasn’t anything new. He had nightmares. Or should he say Living nightmares that were actually real memories. So, he never slept more than 4 hours at a time in any case.
Fire made, he stood and looked over at Ridge. He winced at the lie. Well, he had no real name for her, so Ridge it would be. Until…Yes, until she remembered her real name and when that happened, he would face whatever she’d been after while climbing his damn mountain.
Ridge heard a moan. Sitting up, she gazed around. The fire in her room’s fireplace had burned down to embers. What is that sound? She felt fear at any sound that didn’t belong. They were safe up here weren’t they? Her mind still felt so fuzzy. Harris had brought her dinner last night, then he left abruptly after showing her the luxurious bathroom and shower for her to use. She’d then ate and took a shower. She’d finally felt somewhat human again. If only she were a whole person with her memories back.
The cold way he’d acted had felt like he was still mad at her. She could hardly blame him. He had a one night stand then was stuck with her for a while. She was an intrusion on his privacy. Of course, he wanted that, or why else would a man like him be up on a dammed mountain like this? Holed in for the winter. It was strange but then again, this whole thing was odd, wild. Like some book or movie plot.
Girl wakes up with no memory. Guy who looks like sex on a stick is there to take care of her. Only…it doesn’t feel quite like that. It feels deeper like they do know each other, somehow. Shaking her head, she let out a sigh. They couldn’t know each other very well though, beyond having sex once. She again felt disgusted. And I have very little memory of that magnificent event.
She chastised herself for focusing on him so much. Shit. Losing that memory was the least of her worries. Not remembering sex. What life had she left out there? Was anyone looking for her? Did she have family? Were they worried? She paused. Someone was looking for her. She just knew it. But it didn’t give her a good feeling. No, not at all.