Page 5 of Stranded With My Brother's Best Friend
“Up here?” she asked. “What does that mean?”
Noah felt exasperated as he swooped down and scooped her up. Maybe if he showed her, it would help her lack of memory. After all, he’d watched her trekking up this very mountain.
Gasping, she clasped her arms around his neck.
He swung around and marched across the room with her in his arms to stand in front of a large window. “Curtains,” he spoke aloud to his tech system in the cabin.
The huge drapes made a whirring sound as they eased apart until the scenery outside could be viewed.
He knew this view so well, as he’d looked at it daily for three months now.
Her eyes widened as she stared.
They were for real up on a mountain and this spot at the huge picture window showed the downslope, all the way down. Even then, you couldn’t see the bottom into the forest it was simply too far. Snow covered it all, glistening under a winter sun.
“Oh, my god,” she whispered in shock. “What am I doing up here?” She turned her stunned gaze up to his face. “You brought me all the way up here just to fuck me?”
Again, Noah wasn’t at all prepared for this question either. He wanted to laugh, as her thoughts were so off course from what he believed she would say. He stared at her. “Yeah, I did,” he whispered back. He would’ve too, had he met her in the civilized world, he might have done just that. If he’d ever met a woman possibly worth it, she would be perfect for him as far as looks were concerned. He wondered for a second if she would pass his quiz. He again, had to take a hold of his thoughts. She doesn’t even know who she is! Let alone what answers he sought. Fucking thinking with your dick.
Blinking her eyes, she replied, “Well, I hope I was worth it. Cause damn, talk about impressing a girl just to get laid.”
Okay, so now, he laughed outright and hard enough for tears to spring from his eyes.
With sigh, she laid her head on his shoulder.
His laughter slowed, as he sort of liked this feeling. A woman comforted by him. Strange, he never cared about this kind of response in a woman before. “So, I’ll just pick a soup for you then.”
She gave no reply.
Noah peered down at her and saw she was out again. He felt a ripple of some feeling. Like he was scared or—no, not fear, he never allowed fear. But the way she couldn’t seem to stay awake for any length of time worried him.
He swung her around and again laid her on the couch, covering that delectable body she believed he’d already partaken of. He let out a sigh.
If this didn’t improve, he would fly her out and break his cover.
His head rose up. You will? For a complete stranger that brought trouble to your mountain? He shook his head at the selfish thoughts…an attitude he never questioned before as survival usually depended on this very thing. Self-sustainment.
Noah was just getting an inkling that this woman meant a change for his life…he just didn’t know what that might be. She might ruin it. End him. Or she might be something more. Set him straight again.
Pushing the inane and yes, preposterous thoughts away, he headed to the kitchen to fix her some soup in case she woke up soon.
Opening her eyes, she knew two things: her head pounded and she wasn’t alone. Other than this, she knew nothing. Absolutely nothing. The world was a deep dark void. No sense of self, of where she was. What she did for a living.
No name.
She didn’t know her own name! She bolted upright with a gasp and her startled gaze swiveled over.
Deep green eyes like the thickest forest she’d ever envisioned were trained right on her from an almost perfect male face as he sat in the overstuffed chair by the fireplace.
Okay, she did remember this man. When she’d awoken earlier. Apparently, she’d gotten drunk, slept with him and…She rubbed a hand over her eyes—she was up on a mountain?
“So how are you feeling now?” he asked.
Staring at his yummy lips, she allowed that deep voice to settle over her. It felt like a band tying her body up, so she couldn’t move. She blinked and tried to get loose from the odd effect. The man was just so familiar. “Do I—?”
He raised a hand at her. “Please do not ask if you know me, again.” It sounded like an order.
She shook her head.
“Let’s just say you do know me, but not very well, yet.”
Okay, she could get with this as it had already been established that they did spend a night together. “How long was I out?” she asked.
Something flickered in his emerald gaze. “This time, you mean?”