Page 3 of Stranded With My Brother's Best Friend
There were many things he didn’t care to recall. This was why he was up on this damn mountain. In this luxurious, entirely fortified log home. No, it wasn’t a cabin by any means. He looked around.
Full fireplace, leather sofa and chairs. All wood flooring with expensive rugs. Track lighting here and there, all low wattage. All of it controlled by voice activation. A full bar. Three high voltage generators with backup. 2 bedrooms with king sized beds and all the furnishings with fireplaces in those rooms as well. A full out kitchen, a walk-in fridge, and freezer. Plus an entire storeroom with full supplies to last him six months.
But one of the most surprising and important features would be his security room. It doubled as a safe room. Full of weapons and high tech security. This had been where the perimeter alarm had notified him of the approaching woman and her not so friendly stalkers.
Then hidden out back in the very large garage were 2 snow cats and 2 ATVs, all ready to go. Then behind that building, up on a pad, under cover was an actual helicopter. He could leave the mountain at a moment’s notice if he had to. But not in a blizzard unfortunately. He only planned on using the copter to fly out for supplies when the need arose. However, one never knew when the enemy would arrive. So, the copter would be his getaway if more than 6 men came up the hill. Although, he could easily pick them off as they hiked up here to downsize that number, though he would still have to leave, in light of being compromised.
He paused as he glanced at her on the couch. Had he been compromised?
Now again, he wondered for the tenth time why they were after her? And why on his mountain? Could be she was in trouble with them and had run into the wilderness by mistake. Could have been a coincidence. He paused. He’d learned that in his life at least…There. Was. No. Such. Thing.
Noah suddenly felt a nudge in his senses, as they were always on alert. He swiveled his gaze down to the couch.
A pair of mesmerizing cobalt, blue eyes were watching him.
Well now, maybe he could get some answers.
Approaching her, Noah knelt down, and took her hand. It felt warm now, not like the ice cold of white death he felt the night before. He took a deep breath and let it out. “How are you feeling?”
Her wide eyes dropped to his hand holding hers. Then back up at his face. “L-like a train hit me?”
“Well, almost.” He chuckled.
Her brow furrowed. “Do I know you?”
“No. I would have remembered that.”
“I-I…” She suddenly looked afraid.
He told himself to not push. Poor woman had been through a terrible scare. “Are you thirsty?”
Her eyes moved over the room, pausing here and there, as she gave no indication that she heard him. “Where am I?”
He stood. “On the mountain.” Turning to the bar fridge, he got her some orange juice, then came back. He held it out to her. “You probably need this for the sugar and potassium.”
She stared at the bottle. Then up at his face. “W-what mountain?”
“Here.” He moved it closer not answering her question. He needed her viable before he questioned her.
Grabbing it, she stared at the lid.
“Never been opened, see the seal,” he explained. Then he paused. Why would she think I tampered with it?
Unscrewing the cap, she took a huge gulp. She kept chugging.
He grabbed the bottle. “Easy.”
She stopped and stared at him as she swiped at her mouth. “You are so…beautiful.” Her words held a gasping sound.
Noah froze. He’d been called many things in his life. Sexy. A bastard. An asshole. A killer. But never beautiful. He tilted his head back and laughed.
It seemed to startle her as she reared back on the couch.
He slowed his laughter and eyed her. “I could say the same for you, but I think I would up it to exquisite.” It would be true and apt. With her dark chestnut curls. Her heart shaped face, full lips, and bright blue eyes. And that body. Full breasts, creamy skin, curvy hips and an ass that—his thoughts halted.
Her cheeks flamed as she swallowed heavily. “I-I didn’t mean for that to be said out loud—I…” Her voice trailed away as she gazed down at herself. “OH!” she exclaimed when she saw she was only in her bra and panties. Her head rose up, as she looked perplexed. “Okay, so I got drunk, right?”
Noah sat back on his heels and watched her. This was an interesting development and he wanted to hear more of this notion. He nodded.
Her eyes rounded. “So—so I-I slept with you already?”
Noah thought back to the part where he’d held her all night, so he nodded again.