Page 20 of Stranded With My Brother's Best Friend
Her gaze swung up. “H-hit men?”
He nodded. “Yep. That is what they were.”
“How do you know?”
“Their guns. The looks of them.”
“Y-you saw them?”
“Sure, before they got swallowed up by the avalanche.” He drank another glass full. “Ahhh. Now I feel a bit better.”
Draining her drink, she set her glass down with a hard clunk. “So talk, mister.”
He swung his gaze up at her. “Since when do you get to give orders?”
Chuckling, she shrugged. “Maybe I get more mouthy when I drink?”
Tilting his head back, he laughed.
“What’s so funny?”
He shook his head as he grabbed more juice and liquor. “I already thought you were sassy before.”
“Oh, no.” Ridge stared at her new drink and shook her head. “You are trying to get me drunk!”
“Yep,” he answered outright. “Maybe you will loosen up and remember more.”
“And maybe…you are stalling,” she accused as she took a sip of the new drink.
He stilled. “Maybe I am. What I need to tell you isn’t pretty and it isn’t pleasant.”
“It what gives you the nightmares,” she stated simply.
Harris nodded. “Only it is a real memory. Not a dream. I keep wondering why I continue having it. Like it would change the outcome maybe?”
Ridge felt for him. “It must have been a horrible thing.”
Noah released a breath and took another huge gulp of his whiskey. Setting the glass down, he launched in, “I’m a SEAL.”
Her eye rounded. “I knew it! Military.”
“How did you know?”
She took another sip then sat her glass down. “You look like one of those Call of Duty guys.” She released a tiny hiccup. “From the video games you know?”
Noah stared at her. Video games? God dammit, that hiccup was adorable. Sounded like a little kid hiccupping.
Her eyes met his. “What?”
He knew if he told her how cute she was, she would lose her temper again. Which normally, he would love. But just now, they needed to get to the truth. “I noticed how observant you are. Gauging things. Like I did bartend my way through college. So how did you guess I was a soldier?”
She chuckled and drained her glass then set it down. “Either that or you are hiding your shell.”
He blinked his eyes at her, not getting it.
“A ninja turtle!” She pointed at him and sniggered. “You like… use stealth. So silent, no one would hear you coming up behind them until you…snapped their necks.” Her eyes focused on him. “That’s what you do isn’t it?”
Just as he’d thought…. very observant. He nodded. “Among other things.”
“Oh, I bet!” She patted his hand. “Like you tied me up in ten seconds flat!” She stared into his eyes. “How many women have you tied up?”
Noah knew one thing about her for sure now. She wasn’t used to drinking because she was more than tipsy already. He laughed. “A few.”
“So… in the line of duty or just for fun?” She wiggled her brows.
He kept chuckling as leaned close and whispered, “They were always willing.”
“Of course, they were! I mean just take a look at you. I bet you snap your fingers and they drop their panties!” She started laughing as she saluted. “Yes, Sir! Drop my panties, Sir!”
Noah laughed outright. “Wow, you are a fun drunk. So, answer some questions for me.”
“Shoot! Soldier boy.”
He smiled at her antics. “This man you remember, was he your boyfriend, you think?”
Tilting her head, she furrowed her brows. “I don’t thinks so. I mean it felt like friendship or something?”
“Mmm, so you don’t think…” He shook his head. If she was Tanner’s girl, here looking for him, he couldn’t ever have her. Not after Tanner gave his life trying to save his. Suddenly, he realized what he was doing. Asking questions to find out if he could keep her for himself. Not to find the truth. He felt angry with himself. He’d lost sight of what was important here, again!
“Why are you looking gloomy again?” she asked with a pout on her lips.
Noah took a minute to get himself under control. “Tanner was part of my team.”
“Okay and what happened to him?”
He paused. “First, let me show you something.” He went around the bar, knelt down and tapped in a code to the small safe there. He removed an envelope. He needed to make sure this was the person she saw in her memories. He opened it and took out an image, handing it to her.
She grabbed it eagerly and peered down. Gasping, she placed one hand over her mouth.
He waited.
“Walker…” Her eyes filled with tears.
His body tensed. “So, you do know him?” The team never knew each other’s real names, part of the way it had all been set up.
Nodding, she started to cry. “H-he can’t be dead. He isn’t dead!” Her eyes rose up.
Noah saw so much pain there in her gaze. He let out a breath. “I’m sorry. So you remember him now?”