Page 15 of Stranded With My Brother's Best Friend
He squeezed it and looked into her eyes. “It’s where I found you.”
“What?” Her thoughts were scattered again. Those emerald eyes, that dazzling smile and that hot hand on her leg. Then add a body sculpted like his was… Yeah, that would do it. Put any woman’s brain into a blender and just turn it on. BZZZ. Instant dumb blonde shake.
“I named you Ridge ‘cause I found you on one.” His hand slid further up her thigh as his deep green eyes never left hers.
Ridge held her breath as those hot fingers got ever closer to where she wanted them Yes. A little higher.
Lightly, his fingertips brushed her mound.
Her air was running out. Higher… deeper. Yes, deeper.
He removed his hand.
Ridge’s body nearly deflated like a balloon. Dammit. She shook her head. No. She still needed to be mad at this man, not lusting after just his merest touch. She needed to get away from him, not be so close to him. He’d fooled her. He—
“Let’s go.” He took the plates and set them in the sink.
“Go? Go where?”
Harris chuckled. “To find you something better than that dammed shirt to wear.”
Leading her to the bedroom, he opened the door.
Ridge felt nervous suddenly, more nervous than even before when he’d done all that bomb dropping then the spontaneous flirting.
“Sit,” he said.
She looked to the bed and sat.
“So let’s see.” He gazed around. “You know my buddies and I shared this getaway cabin at one time.”
She raised her brows. He was sharing personal stuff? “Really?”
He nodded as he opened some dresser drawers, fishing through clothes. “We had it built to our specs. We came here after…work. To relax.”
“In a fortress?” she asked. “Up on a mountain?”
“Sure.” He grabbed a stack of clothing. “That’s why there are various sizes of clothing.” He dropped them on the bed.
Gazing down, she saw a few shirts and some smaller pants. Yes, these would fit her better and she wondered if there were some warmer ones still left in the dresser. She needed layers if she wanted to make it down the mountain. “Oh, yes these might—”
Suddenly, he moved her up toward the headboard, flat on her back. Gasping, she realized that before she knew it, her hands were tied. “What are you doing?” She stared at the man’s tie around her wrists.
Harris then tied her feet. “Stopping you.”
She raised her head, breathless as she yelled, “WHAT?”
He stared at her. “I’m sorry but you can’t leave.”
How did he know?
“I’m good at it,” he answered her silent question. “Reading people, Ridge.” He sighed as he gazed down at her.
“So, you are taking me hostage!”
He shrugged. “I do what I have to. It’s the story of my life I’m afraid.”
“You can’t do this!” She struggled with her bonds.
“I can and I have. You would die out there. And if not, where would you go? You have no memory of who you are. If someone found you, if you were lucky not to freeze to death, then you would tell them I’m up here.”
“Oh, my god! You are serious!”
He reached out and smoothed a hand down her face. “I have no choice. I saw your flight response. You would do it too, as stubborn as you are.”
His touch was warm, but she refused to be affected by it now. “You asshole! You are a bastard!”
His lips turned up in a sad smile. “Yes. I am a beautiful bastard.”
Noah did feel bad. He surely hadn’t envisioned tying her up just to keep her here. But he knew what she was planning. Now, she doesn’t think I’m so beautiful anymore, does she?
“My god!” she yelled. “So what now?” I stay tied up day and night?”
He again shrugged. “I don’t know. All I know is…” His voice faded away as he realized he’d just tied up the woman he wanted so badly. “I care about you. It isn’t just self preservation. I didn’t roll down that mountain; dig you out of that snow. Then worry about you for days while you were out cold, just to let you run out into a god dammed blizzard!” His voice rose at the last part.
Her eyes were wide, as she looked stricken. “God, I’m sorry. I-I didn’t think…”
“No, you didn’t think. You just feel.” He mentally chastised himself all over again, as he sat back down and ran his fingers through his hair. “Look, I don’t normally tie women up.” He paused. “Well, that’s not true. I have but they liked it.” He chuckled. “But until I feel you have come to your senses…”
She bit at her lip. “But how am I going to eat, to—you know, go to the bathroom, shower? Everyday needs!”
He sat back a little. “Yeah, I suppose I didn’t think that far ahead.”
Rolling her eyes, she asked, “So…you’d better get started.”
Noah stared at her.