Page 11 of Stranded With My Brother's Best Friend
Staring at him, she nodded. Licking her lips, her body felt tingly and excited. Still wet between her thighs from coming, she wanted to make this man lose it.
His eyes widened a bit as he set her back from him on the couch.
Ridge felt confused. Didn’t he just make her scream with the best climax of her life? She was sitting right here, wanting to return the favor. Actually needing to. She would love to see that cock that had always been highly outlined in his jeans. After all, she’d had it already, right? So what was the problem?
He shook his head. “Listen. I was having bad dreams and before I knew it, I had my hands all over you.”
Blinking her eyes rapidly, she knew this already, His hands all over her and fingers in her with his hot mouth on her nipples and the biting of them. Did she like it a little rough? She must and this man fit the bill, if that was what she liked. But now, she wondered why he was all the sudden acting so passive, hesitant.
“You aren’t well. I can’t just like take advantage.”
Oh… Okay? Wait, No. If they already had a sexual relationship then why—
Harris sat her further back. “It was a mistake. I lost control. I was half asleep.”
Ridge felt the sting from his excuses. “Wow, I offer a blowjob, no strings attached and get shot down?”
He stared at her and chuckled.
“I just said that out loud right?” she asked as she put her face in her hands.
He sat forward and lowered her hands. “Dammit, you are so cute.”
Her head rose up. “Cute? Like a Barbie doll cute? Or little kid cute?”
He was now laughing outright.
“OOH!” She rose up and forgot all about the climax. “Just remember this when you feel the need to get blown!” She stomped off to her room.
“Ridge! Now come on!” he called to her with laughter in his voice.
“Fuck you! I hope you get blueballs and your dammed neck cramps while trying to blow yourself!” She slammed the door closed and huffed as she marched over to the bed.
Then she felt deflated as she sat down with a plop. Or more like confused. Why am I so angry? He made good points about her being ill. He was just being a gentleman.
Ridge tilted her head. No. That man in there was no gentleman. She knew what he was. She’d glimpsed it just now when he’d controlled her body as he made her come at his command. Forceful, determined and demanding in bed. So why was he hesitating now?
Something else held him back. What could it be? What happened for her to get a concussion? Doubt filled her. Was he lying to her? If so, why? What was this man hiding?
Well, she found out one thing about herself just now. She knew she was the type to not give up when something puzzled her. She wondered if there were clues in this huge log house. Clues to explain the conundrum of Harris.
Her head rose… Harris what? He gave no last name.
Ridge now wondered things she should have thought of before. How did she get all the way up here? Maybe she was never drunk. Maybe he’d drugged her.
She threw up her hands. For what? Now she felt disgusted at her wild imagination. Obviously not to get her to fuck him whenever he wanted. Like some sex slave. She halted…To be his sex slave… Her body lit up with heat. Damn…she let out a slow, long breath and wanted to slap her own face like crazy people do.
What the fuck is happening here?
Dawn arrived. Noah watched it come through the open picture window. Streams of light cascaded across the shiny wood floors. It had always given him peace while being here. Another day alive, breathing. He couldn’t say that about his friends. Tanner, Hunt, and Blade. All call names. He’d again, revisited that night in his dreams.
He figured his mind was trying to make it come out differently. It never would. He’d somehow come out of it alive. He also came out enraged. They’d been set up by their own superiors. They all knew too much about a certain mission. He’d gone over it many times in his head. Why did they suddenly feel like any of us would talk? We all had kept our missions and outcomes to ourselves.
This was why he’d gone into hiding. The very reason why he was up here on this mountain, alone for the last three months. He ran a hand over his eyes. He sat up and looked around at the log home. He’d been perfectly fine with staying here until he could find out who had really set him and his team up. He’d been on back to back missions for 2 years. He’d needed to take a break. Besides, he’d been forced into hiding by the very organization that had employed him.