Page 9 of Her Ex's Dad
Unexpectedly, as if he knew I’d been ass gawking, he flipped around to stare at me. His focus started at my calves, then slowly his eyes rose up to my thighs. He studied my pink lace trimmed undies and then his perusal stretched higher to my lace covered boobs.
At his bold perusal, I sucked my breath in. This guy is checking me out? Oh, man. It’s not like you weren’t guilty of doing the same just now, Macy. Then I realized my skin even felt prickly as if it could actually feel his penetrating stare.
Well, damn I still couldn’t tell what he might be thinking, but I’d better get a grip on myself and now. I mean it can’t be that he thinks I have this hot bod or anything. But just look at him! I can’t blame myself for staring. I mean I would let all of womanhood down if I didn’t at least enjoy looking at a guy like this. Crazy or not, the man was hot from head to toe.
He gave me a huge, wickedly handsome grin.
My eyes widened. “Wait a minute here…”
He reached down and lowered his briefs.
My mouth dried up completely as my stomach seemed to fill up with butterflies. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. This had to be the strangest adventure in my memory. I should’ve been looking for a weapon, a way out, forming a plan. But no—I found myself wanting to see the final act of hot, crazy guy—stripping to his natural state.
Half-naked Adonis halted his debriefing and stared at my bra. “I’ll remove mine when you remove yours.” The challenge in his eyes and voice was unmistakable.
My now dry mouth popped open completely.
Chapter Four
I’d totally ran out of patience as I stared at this girl who obviously excelled as a great actress. Despite her sweet voice and sexy fiery temper that matched the hue of her hair, I needed to get through this alive and whole. These buyers sent a woman to procure the component and I felt furious about it. Like they wanted to either trap me, trick me or seduce me in some way. They must think I’m some kind of idiot with money and a dick but no brains. I reached into my trousers which lay over my arm and took out the tiny chip. Then, raised it up. “See? I have it.”
The woman remained open mouthed and her green eyes were still wide as she gawked at me.
“Okay, so now take off the bra and panties.”
Her mouth slammed shut and her eyes seemed to dilate as shock instantly turned to rage. “Go…Fuck…Yourself!”
At her unlady-like response, I jerked my head back and took a long look at this woman of espionage. It was obvious that she was upset, whether she felt angry or truly afraid, I really couldn’t tell. On the other hand, I couldn’t afford to figure it out right now. “Take them off or I will do it for you, just like before. We only have one minute left.”
She turned her head and looked all around as if trying to find a way out.
“Okay, we’ll do it your way.” I rushed over to her and grabbed her bra straps.
“Stop it!” she pounded at me with her fists.
I ignored her. I ripped her lace bra and panties from her skin.
Fiery girl tried her best to hold onto the scraps of material I’d left. “Help!” she screamed as she fought me.
I then, promptly balled up her underwear, took all the clothing and went around her. I decided to brave it out and make good on the orders I’d received. When I got to the trailer door, I turned and faced her, tucked the bundle under one arm, then peeled my black briefs down and off. I looked right into her awe stricken, wide green eyes as I did so. The fact that my cock sprang out, hard long and ready to race was something I would just have to live with. Then, I struggled to unhook the door. The sunlight and a heated rush of air almost knocked me down as I attempted to fight the wind and throw the clothing out.
“What the hell are you doing?” she shrieked.
Using all my strength to keep the door on its hinges and tugging it back toward me, I tossed all our clothes out then finally pulled it shut and latched it back. “You know full well…What.”
A stunned look registered on her paling face as though she just then realized what I’d done, she screamed in frustration and lunged for me.
I caught her and tried to grab her hands as her nails were digging into my forearms. Despite the heated struggle, I could smell her light perfume or her shampoo maybe? It permeated my senses. Her bare body was rubbing against mine and I felt myself harden, all over again. She was built perfectly for me, with soft skin and curves all over.