Page 20 of Her Ex's Dad
Macy scooted forward and gazed down. “OH!” she exclaimed as she reached in and pulled out a green velvet dress. “Wow. This—this is for me?”
I nodded, feeling nervous suddenly. I didn’t know what she might like to wear. But I wanted to really wine and dine her like she deserved. An elegant dress, shoes and the entire deal first, then take her somewhere special.
She stood up and let the dress fall to its full length in front of her. “And it’s my size!” Her voice echoed with amazement.
Relief at her reaction flooded through me and I grabbed the other box. “Okay, and there are other boxes here on the floor for you. This is mine.” I stood up and dropped my robe.
Her big green eyes rounded as her head tilted all the way back and she stared at my naked form. She seemed to gasp and then her cheeks flushed.
“What?” I asked.
Gulping, she stared up at my face and stood up. “You are—are a—god.”
I blinked my eyes. “Me?”
Nodding her head, she stared at my chest.
“I try to keep—well, I work…” I laughed. “I’m a bit older than well, probably guys you might date. But I’m not a god, Macy. I’m just a normal man.”
She sat down and as she stared, she nervously licked her lips. “Well, if you are normal, I’d liked to know why I’ve never seen guys like you before!”
Smiling as I shook my head, I pulled the plastic from the garment bag, revealing a tux. I set it aside.
Her eyes widened as I pulled some boxers on from a smaller box. Then I grabbed the crisp white shirt and intended to put my arm in a sleeve when I halted and glanced back at her.
Macy now looked as if she were panting and she was biting her lower lip.
“What’s the matter?”
Looking distressed, she shook her head. “Well, I’ve heard how sexy it is for a man to undress, but I NEVER thought watching a man dress would be so freakin’ hot!”
I froze and watched her face to see if she was joking. “Okay…well then.” I slowly pulled the shirt on. Then I neatly buttoned it up. Next, I put one leg into the pants then the other. Gazing up at her, she was now fanning myself.
“Damn, put it all on, hot man!” She clapped her hands and giggled.
I laughed outright. Whoa, this woman was funny too, smart, sexy and a sense of humor. I shook my head and then made a slow turn and grabbed the tie.
Macy let out a loud wolf whistle.
I kept laughing and tied the tie as I’d done ever since I was a teen. So many social affairs over the years had trained me to tie without even looking. Who would have known it would be a sexy thing to someone? I then reached for the cummerbund and fastened it around my waist. As a final touch, I donned the jacket.
“Whoot!” Macy cheered. “Dammit, I wish I had a fistful of dollars to shove into your cummerbund!”
I was again laughing. This was a first for sure. A woman thinking that me dressing myself was sexy? What a fun loving woman. I’d wanted her body since I first laid eyes on her, but I also found that I wanted to hear that laugh of hers for the rest of my days. I didn’t want that haunted look I’d seen in her eyes before to ever come back. “Okay, your turn.”
Her laughter halted. “Wh-what?”
“Time to get your dress on.”
“Oh. Yeah.” She stared down at it.
“I can help,” I prompted.
Her eyes shot up at me. “Um—I—?’
I stepped forward and grabbed the dress. “I can dress you.”
Macy still looked anxious, but nodded her head.
“Arms up,” I urged.
She complied.
I put t it over her head and tugged it down over her breasts and hips. “No underwear needed,” I teased.
She stared down at it. “Wow. This dress must have cost a fortune.”
I remained silent. If she only knew that, it did in fact and it was mere pennies to me. I nudged her to sit on the bed and grabbed another box. “This is where I may have gotten it wrong. Damn, I sure hope…” I pulled out a green velvet pump and slowly slipped it onto her foot. It fit! “Well, I will be dammed.” I peered up at her.
“What?” she asked with bit of fear in her voice.
“You are Cinderella!” I reached for the other and slipped it onto her foot.
Macy looked shocked and then she grinned. “You know what? That is what I am!” She laughed heartily. “I mean, that is a perfect analogy. Macy Gump turns into Cinderella.” She stood up and took a few steps then twirled around in her dress. “Its’ the best explanation yet! Gump girl meets the good looking version of Bubba fairytale!”