Page 12 of Her Ex's Dad
I tried to get myself under control. What’s happening? You were about to jump his body like a crazed nympho on crack that what’s happening! You intended to climb him like a tree. Embarrassment flooded me. It’s one thing for him to up and kiss me senseless, but it’s a whole other thing for me to act senseless right now. I instantly covered my large breasts as an afterthought and watched him move around the trailer-made apartment room. Yeah, a WAY afterthought, you bimbo! You shoved your tits right up against him and now you’re acting like you care about your bare boobs being exposed?
“AH-ha!” he shouted from the front part of the trailer.
I glanced up, his shout startling me from my crazy whirlwind thoughts. I rushed over. “What is it?”
Grinning hugely, he held up robes. “Covering!”
Instead of looking at the robes, I stared at his brilliant smile. How can someone who’s obviously over the top insane smile like that? His grin was so warm and the look in his eyes so genuine, like he was as innocent as me in all of this. I’m doing it again! I chastised myself immediately. False hope. Bad judgment in men, friends and even about what freakin’ bus to take. Leaping before you really look. So many times, I’d leapt straight off so many cliffs, only to fall and fail. Shyly, I stepped closer and grabbed the pink one from his grasp.
He shook his head at me. “I’m only glad cause, you standing around naked is…”
I put the robe on and glanced up. “Is…?”
He chuckled and put the blue robe on.
“So, you trust me now?” I asked.
He swung his gaze up as he tied the robe sash and didn’t answer for a full minute. “Maybe—but I’m starting to not trust myself.” He still seemed to avoid my gaze as he continued to look around the room.
I watched him. He must be the best-looking male I’d seen in many days or like—fucking ever! He looked GQ, but he acted like a good ole boy. It didn’t make sense. Who is he? “Who are you?” It popped right out of my mouth and no surprise there, as I had a bad habit of doing that.
He slowly swung his eyes back over at me. “You mean you don’t know?”
Perplexed, I shook my head. “You’re the man in the limo at—”
Shaking his head, he laughed. “—seven pm?”
I nodded.
Mr. GQ seemed to hesitate as he let out a sigh. “My name is…” he halted. “My name is Tucker.”
I gave him a small smile. “Okay, Mister Tucker. What is this all about?”
“No, my first name is—”
The flatscreen TV came on with a loud beep and a man’s face appeared on the screen. “Mr. Midland…” the speaker rang out with a foreign sounding voice.
Tucker moved over to get a better look.
I slid over too.
“I hope you weren’t inconvenienced much,” the man spoke from the TV.
“Oh no…not at all.” Tucker quipped in a hard sounding tone. “A semi truck just tried to make road kill out of me, then I was forced onto another semi where I had to throw away all my—”
“Mister Midland, please!” The man cut him off.
Tucker sighed with seeming frustration and shoved his hands into his robe pockets.
“Do you have the component with you?”
Tucker nodded.
“We knew about the FBI, Mr. Midland.”
Tucker’s body went rigid. “Yeah?”
“Yes, and we shall forgive that indiscretion.”
“Really, now?” Tucker raised a brow.
“Yes, all we want is the component.”
“Okay, so when do I get off this rolling joy ride?”
“Not for a couple of days.”
“Yes, it will bring you to me and there will be no FBI or police escort, you see?”
“No, I don’t see!”
“You will have all the conveniences in the meantime. Food, bed and…entertainment as well.” The mystery man motioned his head at me standing next to him.
Tucker glanced over at me.
Batting my eyes at the insult, I took a step forward. “What the hell are you talking about? I don’t know you!”
The man smiled. “Yes, my man chose well. Cute and curvy is she not, Mr. Midland?”
“You son of a—” I grabbed the sides of the flatscreen, intending to toss it across the room.
Tucker grabbed my hands. “That won’t help anything.”
The man snickered. “Just don’t make the mistake of trying to leave the truck or try to contact anyone and you can just…enjoy your joy ride.” The screen went black.
“Ooh!” I shouted. “How dare he—I want out of here now!”
Tucker held my hands still and stared at my face.
I struggled to calm myself. “I feel like I’m caught in some kind of bad TV show or something. Components, FBI and trucks trying to run me over? This just can’t be real!”
“So, you really didn’t know anything about all this?”
I stared back at him. “No! All I wanted to do was pay my dammed rent!”