Page 9 of Their Captive
My brows furrow in confusion. We are in a hospital room that looks like it hasn’t been used in many, many, years. The air is thick with dust and mold, the once white sheets on the mattress have taken on more of a yellowish shade now.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper, not really sure what I’m apologizing for. My voice feels so small in this room, and the danger coats my throat with each breath I take. Even if my father possibly had something to do with the death of his parents and his sister, which I still can’t believe, I know it would have been for a reason.
My father would never hurt someone like that. I consider the possibility that they’re lying but looking at his expression, the pain in his eyes, I can see that he is not. He really believes what he is saying, so there is only one explanation in my mind left. They must have the wrong guy, it must be a mix-up, they just got wrong information somehow.
At my words, he raises his head and his eyes meet mine again. I can see the conflict within his gaze. He hates me for some reason I can’t comprehend, he wants to hurt me, but every once in a while, I see something else flicker across his face. Something I didn’t find in Trey’s eyes… compassion, kindness.
“You have to have the wrong person. My father would never hurt someone. I’m sorry for what happened to them, your parents and sister, but there is no way it was my father.” Fire flickers in his eyes and his fists clench at his sides. His biceps bulge and I know he wants to hurt me. His mouth opens and it looks as if he is about to say something, but then the door opens and the other two walk in.
Trey is holding some camera equipment in his hands while the one so adamant on killing me is simply holding a black duffle bag. He throws the bag on the ground next to the door and I can hear some metal rattle around inside of it. I watch him kneel down beside the bag unzipping it, a rope appearing in his hands a moment later.
“Please, you don’t have to do this,” I start to beg. I refuse to just give in, refuse to not struggle, or cry, or plea. I will do everything I can, use every emotion I can to manipulate them.
When he straightens up and turns, he crosses the room with three large strides until he is right beside the bed. I look into his dark brown eyes and I find something completely different than I had from the other two. There is neither hate nor compassion, and no matter how much, or for how long I look into his eyes, searching for something…anything, there is nothing. Either he has no feelings at all, which I doubt, or he’s a master at hiding them, which is much more likely.
“Ready when you are,” Trey announces, the camera set up pointing right at me. My chest is so tight I can barely expand it enough to take a breath. My heart is seconds away from exploding and it feels like I’m going to have a full-blown panic attack.
“Please…I’m begging you. I’m not lying…I swear you have the wrong person. I didn’t do anything.”
“Yeah, neither did our family,” Trey growls, the muscle in his jaw tightening.
Our family? Does that mean they’re brothers?
“Declan, tie her up,” Wes orders and like a feral cat, I press up from the mattress. I know my escape may be pointless knowing it’s three against one, but I’m tiny, and maybe they just would never expect it. Maybe I’m faster than them. I need to try something, I just can’t let them tie me up, rape, and kill me.
I don’t even make it close to the door. Trey grabs my arm, yanking me back. I cry out in pain while he pulls back my arm roughly and pushes me back toward the bed. I trip and fall into Declan’s arms, who then shoves me back on the bed. In the process, I lose what was left of my shirt, leaving me in nothing but my white cotton panties.
Trey is on me next, holding me down by my shoulders while Declan starts tying my wrists to the headboard. That’s the moment I give up fighting. There is just no way I can overpower three guys. I feel like any further struggle is only going to make it worse for me now. So instead I relax my body as much as I can and stare at the ceiling covered in cobwebs, imagining I’m anywhere but here.
“Already lost all your fight, Princess? I expected better.” Trey smirks while Declan finishes tying me up. His hands are gentle which is surprising given the emotionless look in his eyes. When he is done, both of my wrists are tied to the headboard and both of my ankles are tied to the footboard. I’m exposed, humiliated beyond belief and I know it’s only going to get worse.