Page 77 of Their Captive
With every passing minute, I get a little more anxious and a whole lot more worried that something is going to go wrong. Seconds tick by but it feels like hours have passed. I wish I could see at least one of the guys, but they’re all out of view now. It’s just me and that scares the crap out of me.
I’m so used to being with the guys twenty-four seven that suddenly being on my own seems to be the scariest thing in the world. I almost laugh at the thought. I’ve been alone for most of my life, and only with the brothers for a few weeks now, but after living with them, realizing that I don’t have to be completely alone anymore, I’ve become accustomed to that life.
Taking in a deep breath, I try to calm my nerves. I turn and look up to the entryway to the main room, and it’s then that I spot him. All thoughts come to a sudden halt. My heart beats unnaturally slow and the blood in my veins freezes as I look straight into my father’s soulless eyes. This is the man that I’ve loved my whole life, my father. And for a split second, as I stare at him, doubt overcomes me.
Can I really do this?
He sees me, his eyes taking me in. Shock transforms his features. Some childish part of me still wishes…hopes that he does love me. I imagine his eyes warm and loving, happy to see me alive and unharmed. I imagine him walking up to me and taking me into his arms, telling me how glad he is that I’m alright, and how much he loves me.
Like a needle popping a balloon, my daydream about my father’s love is destroyed. The look in his eyes turns dark. Instead of happiness and relief, anger and annoyance fill his gaze. An ache spreads through my chest, and even after everything, knowing how this would be…it still hurts.
Remembering the plan, I force my legs to move toward him. Just as we had hoped, he starts moving toward me without looking around or calling for security. I try to keep my eyes on my father, even though I see the blur of a large body moving behind him.
Only when Declan is right behind my father, do I dare to look past him and find my lover’s eyes. When I see the shock and worry in Declan’s gaze, I freeze where I stand, knowing that something is wrong. I open my mouth to speak, but it’s too late. Something slams into me from behind. Before I can even consider righting myself, I lose my footing and tumble to the ground. It’s not until I’m being crushed by something that I realize that the something slamming into me is actually a someone.
I try to push him off of me, flailing my arms and legs, and fighting to get to my knees but all movements cease when I feel the sharp blade being pushed against my throat. Every muscle in my body tenses, not even my lungs work, and I’m pretty sure my heart has stopped beating altogether. I’ve come so close to death lately that I wouldn’t be surprised if things ended right now.
Twisting my head, I look up at my father who is pointing a gun at Declan’s head. My father’s menacing eyes lock on mine as he stares down at me, and a sinister smile pulls at his lips. “Kill her,” he says with that same sickening smile on his face.
“No!” Declan yells simultaneously with another male voice. Turning my head, I see where the second voice is coming from and find Harrold, my father’s head of security, standing just a few feet away from us.
Harrold shakes his head. “Not here, it’s too public. Let’s take them out back,” he suggests as if he is talking about taking out the trash. I cringe inwardly. Harrold has been a part of the security team since I was a little girl. He watched me grow up, and is like a grandfather to me, so his betrayal cuts me just as deep as my father’s. Though I don’t know why I’m even surprised by his betrayal, why did I expect him to care for me if my own father doesn’t?
The man on top of me pushes himself off, but keeps one hand on the back of my neck while keeping the knife pushed against my throat with the other.
In seconds I’m being pulled up from the floor and dragged toward the back door. Unable to look back at my father and Declan, I keep my eyes on Harrold instead. He opens the back door and holds it open for the man holding me.
We are just about to step over the threshold, I can already feel the cool April air on my skin when I see Harrold moving with superhuman speed. He grabs the knife pressed against my throat, and I gasp at the movement. My assailant is so surprised he lets go of me right away. I spin around and watch the scene in front of me unfold.