Page 7 of Their Captive
It irritates me a little, I shouldn’t want for her to get pleasure from anything I or my brothers do. I rip my hand away, and out of her panties.
I’m angry, at myself, at this little temptress in my lap.
“Changing your mind, Wes?” Declan asks, and I already know he’s going to push for her death. Declan likes control, likes planning, and she’s a surprise, one that we didn’t account for, but he has yet to touch her, to feel her soft silky skin.
“Nope. I think we should fuck her. Get revenge, make her father suffer. Maybe send him a little video. We can’t just kill her, that would be far too merciful. We’re going to make her bleed, and make him watch…make him feel exactly what he’s made us feel for years.”
“Fuck yes! I love the idea, brother,” Trey chimes in.
Jessa starts to move in my lap again and I force a smile. I smile like the sick bastard I am because even if I don’t want to hurt her, I will… I have to. Even if I’m not going to enjoy seeing her suffer, I will enjoy getting my revenge, and that’s all that matters.
“Keep struggling baby…keep fighting. Listening to you beg and plead while we take from you is going to be the highlight of my fucking year, maybe of my life,” I lie. I need her scared out of her mind. I want nothing but fear in her eyes when we send that tape to her father. Her fear I can handle, anything else… I shake the thought away.
We pull into the parking garage of our building right then. Now we’ll have her somewhere that we can make her scream, make him pay.
Trey parks near the elevator entrance and kills the engine. Silence settles over us for a long moment, and both of them shift around in their seats, their eyes moving to Jessa’s shaking body. We didn’t get the USB we needed. It was supposed to be in that safe, but it wasn’t. A lot of things didn’t go as planned tonight, but we can make the best of it.
We have leverage now, and as a plus, we get to hit Jonathan where it hurts, right in his one single weakness. She was never part of the plan…too heavily guarded, protected, but her father slipped up, and now she’s ours, all-fucking-ours.
“It’s time to get our revenge boys,” I smirk, lifting my gaze.
“I still think we should just kill her,” Declan growls.
“Yeah, yeah, we get it you want death, blood, and murder. Well, it’s two against one. Three against one if you count her,” Trey snickers.
“Fine, let’s get this over with then,” Declan snarls as if he won’t be enjoying this once we start. I should tell him he can make her bleed, make her cry, beg, and plead for death but I don’t. I don’t want him to try and end her life too soon…or maybe at all.
Trey and Declan get out of the car and walk over to the passenger side door, opening it for me. I get out, holding her tiny body in my arms. She’s still shaking like a leaf, uncontrollable fear reflects up at me from her eyes.
Fear isn’t the only thing she’s going to be feeling soon.
We reach the elevator which not only has a keypad for a code but fingerprint recognition as well. No one gets in or out of this place unless one of us says. We step inside and head to the main floor. There are five floors in this building we actually use. Our main living areas, followed by a full lab, Trey has a whole floor for his computer and tech stuff and then we have a workout facility, where we let steam off, and train.
“Fuck,” Trey mutters under his breath, pulling me from my thoughts, and I see where his eyes are directed. Her perfect tits are pressed against the T-shirt that has now ridden up, showing more of that creamy white skin between her thighs.
Declan reaches a hand out, his fingers sliding against the skin of her thigh. Jessa struggles some more only making all three of us smile.
“Soft…I didn’t expect her to be so soft,” Declan whispers as if he’s talking to himself more than to Trey and myself. It doesn’t matter though. We’re brothers. We have no secrets. It’s always been us three, since the mission, since the day we lost everything besides each other.
“Not so keen on killing her anymore, are ya?” Trey teases, and Declan sends him a glare. The elevator pings, and then opens on the floor of our living quarters. I let my brother step out, but I hit the button to one of the floors we never renovated.
“Get the camera set up, Trey. Declan, grab some knives, rope, anything to make it hurt. I’m going to take her to a room on level three and get her ready.”