Page 32 of Daddy's Little Prize (Daddy 22)
“Alastair, thank God,” Weber said. “This bastard has a vendetta against me. Kill the motherfucker.”
Gavin and Alastair stood off to the side as Gavin played the tape back. Weber was pale and crying as he fought the men who held him. He knew exactly how dire his situation was and that he probably wouldn’t see the sunrise in the morning. He was getting a taste of what he’d been doing to women for years and then being put out of his and everyone’s misery.
He could see the anger in Maclean’s eyes, but the man hid it well. Maclean nodded when he heard everything, then glanced at Gavin. “You were a cop?” Alastair asked.
“Yes, but not anymore.”
Alastair studied him for a moment, and Gavin waited.
“You know what might happen?”
“I’m sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Gavin said.
Alastair chuckled. “Send me a copy of the tape and erase your copy, please. One of my guys will give you an email.”
Gavin nodded. “It will be done tonight.” He turned and started to walk away when Maclean stopped him.
“Thank you, Mr. Barcina. I don’t like saying this, but I owe you one. I also appreciate the measures you’d go to protect your woman. I’d do the same.”
Gavin stopped and turned back. “I feel we only find our soulmate once in our life, and she’s mine.”
“My Beth is the same for me. Take care.”
“You, too.” Gavin walked away without looking back. He was surprised at the man’s depth of emotion for his woman. He would never have expected that from him because he’d always heard the man was stone cold and would easily kill you if you pissed him off.
Manny held the back door open for him.
“Thanks, man.”
“No problem, sir.”
On the drive back to his place, Gavin went over everything that had happened. His feelings were in upheaval because of the range of emotions he’d felt in the last few hours.
Gavin felt wrung out at the same time, hyped up to see his baby. He needed to hold her in his arms all night and make love to her until they were both sore.
Manny opened his door. Gavin tapped him on the shoulder when he got out of the car. “Thanks, man.”
“You’re welcome, sir. Any time.”
“God, I hope she doesn’t scare me like this again. I know I have a few new gray hairs because of the day.”
Manny chuckled. “Knowing the littles like I do because I spend a lot of time with them, I expect she’ll keep you on your toes.”
Gavin groaned and then chuckled. “Thanks a lot.”
Manny laughed. “Good night, sir.”
“You, too.”
Gavin rode up the elevator, anxious to see his baby. He looked around the room as the door slid open and found it dark. A light came from the master bedroom at the end of the hall, and he headed that way.
He relaxed against the doorjamb and watched his closest friend hold his woman in his lap as they sat in one of the big chairs in the room. They were both asleep, but he could tell she’d been crying.
He was surprised he felt no jealousy, but he knew Chase would never betray him, and he actually welcomed him into his relationship because he’d need all the help he could get with her.
Gavin sent the recording to Alastair. Then he crept into the bathroom, showered quickly, and took care of any blood he might have had on him from the fucker.
He wanted to put the night behind him for the time being and concentrate on Alexa.