Page 14 of Daddy's Little Prize (Daddy 22)
He knew she didn’t believe it yet, but she would. Eventually.
“So, I’ll work for you, but I’ll still live with my uncle?”
“No, baby,” he said. “You’ll live here with me.”
“So, you want me around all the time?”
He knew she had difficulty understanding without him coming right out and saying it, but he didn’t want to scare her into running.
“Yes. I’ll want you to live here and work in my office.”
“So, I’ll be your personal assistant or something?” she asked.
Gavin sighed. He’d just have to tell her. “I want you to live here with me as my girlfriend and maybe assist me with things in the office. There are always things to do.”
Her mouth dropped open. “You want to date me? Like in real life?”
He snorted. “Yes. We’ll go into it later, but I want to give you choices. If you don’t like the idea of staying with me, I’ll get you an apartment close by, and I’ll get you every day for work.”
He watched her as she went through it in her head. It was incredibly adorable because she tugged on her lower lip with her fingers, and her brows were pinched together. She finally looked up at him. “I want to stay with you, but I’m afraid you’ll get tired of me.”
“Why would you think that?” he asked.
“Because everyone does.”
“That’s not true. Don’t let your bitch of an aunt ruin what we could have, baby.”
“I’ll try,” she said.
“Now, please tell me if I ever make a move that scares you.”
She nodded. “Okay.”
“Good.” He reached for her, making sure his moves were slow so as not to startle her. He lifted her and set her astride him with her knees bent and facing him. The look on her face was precious, and he’d never forget it. She had a look of awe and trust on her face and not a glimpse of fear.
“How is this?” He ran his hands up and down her sides.
“I really like it.”
He grinned at her enthusiasm. “Can we try a kiss?”
She nodded, wrapped her arms around his neck, closed her eyes tightly, and pressed her lips to his almost brutally.
He held back his laughter so he didn’t hurt her feelings, but the way she was pressed against him told him a lot about her level of experience. Tilting his head back, he broke contact with her lips. “Baby, I know you’re still a virgin, but how much experience do you have?”
“Not a lot. Is that okay?” she asked.
“Yes, sweetheart. I’ll teach you everything you need to know.”
A smile grew across her face. “Okay.”
He had to hold her still because she was so excited she was bouncing in his lap, which didn’t help the hard-on he’d had since he met her.
One of his hands cupped the back of her head, and his lips took hers gently before he encouraged her to open her mouth so his tongue could slide in and taste her.
Her arms tightened around his neck, and she started to press her mound against his cock. He didn’t think she knew what she was doing, so he decided they needed to stop for a moment because he didn’t want to get out of hand so soon.
“Tell me about yourself,” he said.